Swapping Eilan Gapril with 81 Egyptian prisoners

Eilan Gapril 
Eilan Gapril
Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs assigned the Egyptian ambassador in Israel, Yasser Reda, to communicate with Israeli officials in order to accomplish the prisoner swap.

Egyptian authorities are discussing swapping Israeli spy Eilan Gapril in exchange of 81 Egyptian prisoners. Reda prepared a complete list of Egyptian prisoners in Israel and their charges. He sent this list to the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with Egyptian intelligence, began political negotiation with Israel in order to accomplish the deal. The Egyptian cabinet commanded the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Egyptian intelligence to speed up the retrieval of the detained Egyptians in Israeli prisoners.

Israeli media claimed Egypt prepared a secret security plan to release Gapril to release 81 Egyptian prisoners in Israel. Israeli newspapers Jerusalem Post and Yediot Ahronot reported Gabriel will be released within a few days. He will go to Israel through the Taba crossing border secretly and under intense security.

They also reported Egypt finished the final reforms of swapping prisoners with Israel.

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