
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر ٦, ٢٠١٠

Cuba: The first seminary in half a century

  Cuba: The first seminary in half a century ه Havana - Reuters - launched the Catholic Church yesterday, the first seminary in Cuba half a century ago, in a new sign of improved relations between the Church and the Communist regime. And was attended by Cuban President Raul Castro, the opening of the Institute, and toured throughout the building, but did not speak to a crowd of about 300 a diplomat and government officials and Knsien on the outskirts of Havana. The Archbishop of Cuba, Cardinal Jaime Ortega thanked the Cuban leader Fidel Castro and his brother Raul «who honored us with his presence, to support the State to complete this work». Institute will be preparing students to become priests

Zawahiri exploited the sectarian tension in Egypt

  Zawahiri exploited the sectarian tension in Egypt   Do you expand the scope of al-Qaeda terrorist operations to include Egypt Will become threats by wing activist organization or its branch in Iraq against the Copts of Egypt to the reality on the ground to launch operations against selected facilities or members of Coptic Christians Are there sleeper cells for the «base» in Egypt? Or that there are works by {the agency} it, especially in these days of ultra-sensitive? Torrent of questions overlooking strongly in the wake of the terrorist attack bloody against the Church to survive in Baghdad and adopted the so-called {Islamic State of Iraq}. And before they dry the blood of Christians in Iraq, stressed devices Egyptian

" stand and organize a candlelight vigil in front of the Iraqi embassy

  "Copts" stand and organize a candlelight vigil in front of the Iraqi embassy The Movement "Copts for Egypt," the organization and stand silently with candles in front of the Iraqi embassy in Cairo on Monday, to offer condolences to the Iraqi people in the Martyrs Church of Our Lady of Deliverance of Iraq. And reaffirmed "the movement of the Copts for Egypt" in a statement today, Friday, on the people's rejection of Egyptian threats cowards al Qaeda militants who tried to invest the current situation to foment sectarian strife in Egypt, and people that the Egyptians always one and the same no matter how different their attitudes and beliefs and persuasions. and called on "the movement of the Copts for Egypt" all Egyptian political parties and political movements and organizations

150 of them killed 11 children in the bombing of mosques in Pakistan

  150 of them killed 11 children in the bombing of mosques in Pakistan   More than 150 worshipers, including 11 children, were killed in two bombings Bmsadjadin in Pakistan, on Friday, where a suicide bomber blew himself up in a mosque in northwest Pakistan during Friday prayers, while the grenades were thrown at a mosque on the outskirts of Peshawar, during evening prayers, killing five people at least and injuring 11 others, is that attacks the second of its kind that targets mosques in Pakistan during the week. the first blast occurred in a mosque in Pakistan, Friday, in the «Dara Adam Khel», about 40 kilometers south of Peshawar, during Friday prayers

Christian church Bosniak opens an exhibition of Islamic Manuscripts

  Christian church Bosniak opens an exhibition of Islamic Manuscripts Sarajevo - 6-11 (KUNA) - was opened by the priest Mettitsa Voic chief priests Franciscan church in the town of Fuentsa Bosnian day exhibition of manuscripts and artifacts of the ancient Islamic written in Arabic, which is maintained by the Church since the Ottoman Empire, which dominated the region for five centuries ago. The exhibit, which The Ambassador of the State of Kuwait, Mohammad Fadel Khalaf, former Yugoslav president Ruff Dizdarevic guest of honor a presentation of a copy of the original Ottoman firman which included the Ottoman Empire at the time when the freedom of religions and churches and monasteries developed pain

A huge statue of Christ in the rural town Polish

  A huge statue of Christ in the rural town Polish Sphippudzi (Poland) (Reuters) - A statue of Jesus Christ says Mcedoh he will be the biggest in the world highlights the middle of a field of cabbage in Poland in hopes local officials to make this statue a magnet for tourists. It is expected builders to attach the arms and head and crown the statue in the coming days to complete the project envisaged by the local Catholic priest Sylvester Svadzki and is financed by voluntary contributions own. and it will be the statue made of plaster and fiberglass on a hill industrial and Polish officials say that it is scheduled to arrive in the cluster as a whole after high completeness to about 52

President Mubarak reassured about his health .. Analysis and X-emphasize the safety of Pope Shenouda

  Wounded on Thursday evening, Saturday, His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Episcopate, bruises on his knees and a blood clot after the incident, by the opening of Saint Ioannis of the gate strongly, which left the Pope in front of the audience, and was immediately transferred to a hospital peace engineers and the work of analysis and X-ray medical Fajdi and back, but x-rays, tests confirmed the safety of Pope Shenouda. A witness from inside the cathedral, who requested anonymity, said that the Pope was meeting yesterday evening with a delegation from Deir Abu Makar, and during the exit of the Pope from his own office, he fell Pope on the ground, by the opening of Saint Ioannis of the gate strongly, which left the Pope in front of the audience, and bruises and minor injuries, which led to the disruption of all those present, fearing for the health of the pope. On the other hand revealed a source at the papal, that President M

التحاليل والأشعة تؤكد سلامة البابا شنودة و الرئيس مبارك يطمئن على صحته وعرض عليه نقله بطائرة خاصة إلى الخارج لتلقى العلاج

البابا شنودة بابا الإسكندرية وبطريرك الكرازة المرقسية كتب جمال جرجس المزاحم أصيب مساء اليوم، السبت، قداسة البابا شنودة بابا الإسكندرية وبطريرك الكرازة المرقسية بكدمات فى ركبتيه وتجمع دموي اثر وقوعه، جراء فتح الأنبا يؤانس للباب بقوة، مما أوقع البابا أمام الحاضرين، وعلى الفور تم نقله إلى مستشفى السلام بالمهندسين وعمل تحاليل وأشعة طبية على فخديه وعلى الظهر، ولكن الأشعة والتحاليل أكدت سلامة البابا شنودة. وقال شاهد عيان من داخل الكاتدرائية، رفض ذكر اسمه، إن البابا كان يلتقى مساء أمس بوفد من دير أبو مقار، وأثناء خروج البابا من مكتبه الخاص، سقط البابا على الأرض، جراء فتح الأنبا يؤانس للباب بقوة، مما أوقع البابا أمام الحاضرين، وأصيب بكدمات وجروح بسيطة، الأمر الذى أدى إلى اضطراب جميع الحاضرين، خوفاً على صحة البابا. ومن ناحية أخرى كشف مصدر بالمقر البابوى، أن الرئيس مبارك قام بالاتصال بقداسة الباب شنودة للاطمئنان على صحته فور سماعه بخبر إصابته ونقله إلى المستشفى، وعبر الرئيس مبارك عن محبته

إصابة البابا شنودة بوعكة صحية

  أصيب البابا شنودة بابا الإسكندرية وبطريرك الكرازة المرقسية، بوعكة صحية مفاجئة وتم نقله على إثرها إلى مستشفى السلام بالمهندسين، لإجراء الإسعافات الطبية والأشعة والتحاليل اللازمة. يذكر أن قداسة البابا قد عاد من رحلة علاجية بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية الأسبوع الماضى.

Masked" handle a weapon entered the white piece of agricultural land owned by a Christian family in Assiut

  "Masked" handle a weapon entered the white piece of agricultural land owned by a Christian family in Assiut   Stormed the person masked holding a weapon white, agricultural land owned by the Coptic family in the village "Alttalip" of the center of El province, "Asyut" in Upper Egypt, to threaten the family and forced to leave their land by force. In an exclusive statement to us, "burdens, Mr. Cyril" 70-year-old she was surprised someone masked "his face covered," runs through agricultural land Bhmarh, then months, a sharp object like a sword in the air after she walks in the earth about 7 times back and forth, but it did not hurt anyone. She added: "When we saw this scene I and my daughter that I had the field made us panic and fear

Urgent Pope Shenouda injury unwell

  Urgent  Pope Shenouda injury unwell Wounded Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Episcopate, taken ill suddenly and was transferred to evacuated to Al-Salam Hospital engineers, to conduct first aid and medical x-rays, the required analysis. The Pope has returned from his treatment in the United States of America last week. Wounded Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Mark, suddenly taken ill and was transferred to evacuated to hospital engineers of peace, to make the first medical and x-rays, the required analysis. The Pope has returned from his treatment in the United States