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.. Brotherhood distribute their platform inside the packages of medicines in pharmacies .. Detection Monitor the situation of democracy ..

  .. Brotherhood distribute their platform inside the packages of medicines in pharmacies .. Detection Monitor the situation of democracy .. Written by Ahmad Mustafa   Revealed by Ahmad Fawzi lawyer Director of the Observatory situation of democracy to the Muslim Brotherhood has resorted to devise a new way for propaganda, and through pharmacies, where citizens go to the pharmacy to buy the treatment and once open "the package" surprised by the citizen that the instruction sheet that came with have been replaced by the electoral program Special group the Muslim Brotherhood. watchers had Egyptian coalition to monitor the elections, which includes 3 NGOs, in addition to dozens of associations scattered in the governorates and observing the elections through a project funded by the European Union, had spotted dozens of pharmaceutical packaging that was found inside the program of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Facebook News of the death of a third person of the victims of the Church Urban

Facebook  News of the death of a third person of the victims of the Church Urban   Some members passed the Social Network Facebook News confirms the death of a third person at the age of 31 years who are victims of the events of the Church Urban   This may also said unconfirmed reports of the death of a baby and a pregnant woman to abort   All details will be published shortly after the observation of events during a press conference held today for the dead and wounded and detainees

Algeria trial of four Christians on charges of opening a place of worship

Algeria trial of four Christians on charges of opening a place of worship Algeria: Sunday begins the trial of four Algerian Christian converts accused of "open place of worship without a license" before the Court of Misdemeanors in Ravae Nath Ahiratn tribal area (east of Algiers) on said one of the accused's lawyer told AFP.   Said Mohamed Ben Belgacem, "The prosecuted people aged between 35 and 45 years old accused of opening a Protestant temple without prior permission from the authorities."   He explained that "one of them also accused of harboring a priest French illegally came to Algeria to deliver a lecture before members of a group of Christians in the region."   After the trial was expected on the tenth of October was postponed at the request of the court requested the attendance of witnesses.   2006. The subject of religious practices in Algeria, whether Islamic or other authorization to specify the place and overseen by

Witnesses Copts: security dealt in physical events such as the Israeli soldiers with the Palestinians

Witnesses Copts: security dealt in physical events such as the Israeli soldiers with the Palestinians Nada El Kholy Details and certificates of live events from the heart of the Church Urban listed on Saturday, some witnesses told a news conference organized by the Youth Front Coptic entitled: "War of the streets .. the student massacre." ن. Participants in the conference all the Copts in Egypt not to elect NDP candidates in the People's Assembly, also called for officials to allow them to complete the building of the church, and the immediate release of people detained in hospitals and disclosure of the remaining places of detention.   He described political activist, Rami Kamel, church events, saying: "The live scene has moved from Palestine to the student," likening the security men in the central Israeli troops clashed with Palestinians. He pointed out that the entire Coptic citizens after the bloody events which lasted throughout the d

Church of the Seal of the Prophets

Church of the Seal of the Prophets D. Azazi on Azazi   (Seal of the Prophets) is the name of the main street, which mediates the District Urban Giza, located where the Church (Virgin), which launched the people it (the Church of Seal of the Prophets)!, Although, as reflected in the label of the paradox of verbal and ideological, but it confirms the vision the popular Egyptian national, as well as religious, as an expression of a special on Coherence stunning fabric of the Egyptian, so no surprise when he joined Muslims for Christians after the events of physical recently, and chanted together for national unity, without the intervention of the State or the elite and without cameras, prefabricated, which is what I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears, the same thing happened in Nag Hammadi, in the wake of the latest massacre, when I saw myself, Muslims flocked to the funeral for the victims of Christians, in spite of the acute sectarian tensions after the d
Witnesses tell of events "invasion" of urban   Preparation and presentation of: Emad Thomas   Coptic youth systems front a press conference on Saturday afternoon, revealed the details of what they called the street fighting and attacks on Copts Urban Security.   Mr. Sameh Said lawyer asks: Why the media is prejudiced against the Copts of Egypt? ؟ If we applied a license for "cabaret" in the street Pyramid Are we going to have a license or not? When was the use of live ammunition from the police at over 30 years? Is there are demonstrated at five in the morning? .. Young human rights activist / Bishoy Fawzi .. Security broke into the church at six o'clock am and looted fund Vows The number of injured at least 600 and martyrs increase for three Muslim parents have shown solidarity with us in the beginning, then turned their destination at the end and took part in the police beat Witness: Ms. / Esther Veiled woman lifted th

Lakah, the Egyptian government demanded the immediate release of all detainees in the events of urban unconditionally

  Lakah, the Egyptian government demanded the immediate release of all detainees in the events of urban unconditionally . Lakah: what happened in Giza affect the unity of the whole of Egypt. Mr. Badawi: Do you have the National Party to announce the cause and one for non-inclusion of the common law places of worship which promised 5 years ago? Taher Abou Zeid: Do not change without a vote   Student Lakah - Wafd Party candidate by the Department of Shubra and marginalized, the Egyptian government to immediately release all detainees in the events of urban unconditionally, he said, adding that what happened in the urban out of our national unity, and a student of the Egyptian masses - Christians and Muslims - to restore calm to Giza because What is happening with prejudice the unit the whole of Egypt, demanding that the people of Giza to preserve national unity, and reminding people of Shubra war of 1973 and cited by the 753 martyr Muslim and Christian peop

Pope Shenouda demanding citizens to participate and vote .. the Department of the coast .. Wished to reflect the new Council of the will of voters

Pope Shenouda demanding citizens to participate and vote .. the Department of the coast ..   Wished to reflect the new Council of the will of voters Cairo - ASHA His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Episcopate Sunday he wants to be the new People's Assembly, expressing the will of the pain Atunain and provides them sustenance and the supervisory and legislative role to the fullest. This came in a statement the Pope said after voting in parliamentary elections on Sunday morning before school, Mohamed Farid in the Department of the coast - Shubra. . He called Pope Shenouda citizens to political participation and interest to vote and choose qualified deputies. Pope Shenouda was accompanied by a senior delegation of senior bishops of the Coptic Church and was welcomed by priests of churches Shubra and a number of candidates in the constituency, has gathered a large number of people of the region to meet with Pope

Two men accused of Afghan convert to Christianity and possibly sentenced to death

Two men accused of Afghan convert to Christianity and possibly sentenced to death (AFP) (AFP)   KABUL (AFP) - charged with two Afghans, two, from two employees in the Red Cross, to convert to Christianity could face the death penalty, according to a lawyer for the prosecution Sunday.   The lawyer said prosecutors in charge of the west of Kabul cleric Mohammed Qureshi told Agence France Presse that Mr. Moses (45 years), Ahmad Shah (50 years) are being held in the Afghan capital, awaiting trial.   He said they were "accused of apostasy for their religion, which is a crime under Islamic law. If found guilty, two face the death penalty or life imprisonment master, who works for the International Committee of the Red Cross, admitted the charge against him, as there is evidence against the Shah. 1995. A spokesman for the Red Cross in Kabul Bijan Fredrid Varnaudi arrest, Lord, and said he was working in the organization since 1995. . He said, "During

Youssef Boutros Ghali raises the Koran and the Bible in Shubra

Ghali raises the Koran and the Bible in Shubra Youssef Boutros Ghali, Minister of Finance and National Party candidate in the elections of the People's Assembly seat categories, the Department of Technical Institute in Shubra, raising the Koran and the Bible, during his election campaign by the third day in a row within the neighborhood of Shubra, Cairo, November . Contract «Ghali» part of his electoral conference of the Islamic Society Gardens Shubra, which confirmed that the Egyptians are one nation and should not be something that sets them apart.

Children, Muslims and Christians in Jordan shooting campaign together for the poor

Children, Muslims and Christians in Jordan shooting campaign together for the poor Amman - Reuters, - fired dozens of children, Muslims and Christians in Jordan on Saturday (Nov. 27) Campaign to help the needy in the capital Amman, they called the campaign "a bag of love." The campaign was launched on the occasion of World Day of Prayer and Action for Children. Organisers said the campaign, said religious leaders, Muslims and Christians participated in the launch of the campaign, which lasted one day to express solidarity with the children around the globe. The preacher Muslim Hamdi Murad, who works at the Ministry of Awqaf Jordan that God urged solidarity between Muslims and Christians to help each other. He added: "When we see such initiatives which encourage the child care, child care and child feeding and clothing the child care and upbringing and morals and his level and then building the fabric of the family one of the Muslims and Christians .. T

Egyptian censorship rejects "the palm of Mary," for fear of the anger of the Copts

Egyptian censorship rejects "the palm of Mary," for fear of the anger of the Copts - mbc.net Ahmed Noor, the Commission - mbc.net   Mr. President's speech censorship in Egypt, the impossibility of accepting the film "Stop Mary," directed by Inas El, which discusses the issue of "Christian extremism," especially after the recent clashes between Copts and security forces because of the license to build a church.   At the same time, he noted that the approval letter to the movie "incest" by itself subject to the response to the observations of family film censorship work, which includes sex scenes, obscene, abrasive.   He also said, in a statement mbc.net: "It is impossible to be approved on the movie" the palm of Mary, "which discusses Christian extremism in the light of these events taking place in Egypt recently, especially after the events of architectural and building the pyramid on the canon."