
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر ٤, ٢٠١٠

Site, "the original Constitution," published the text of the program of the Muslim Brotherhood in parliamentary elections

  Site, "the original Constitution," published the text of the program of the Muslim Brotherhood in parliamentary elections Site, "the original Constitution," published the text of the program of the Muslim Brotherhood in elections Alcaboalent Council of the Muslim Brotherhood once and for all its People's Assembly election under the banner of the next group of traditional "Islam is the solution" and the slogan of freedom parallel - Entrepreneurship - justice - Development. the program an overall picture of the situation in Egypt, which she described as a deteriorating situation until it became a word (corruption) are more commonly used words and commonly used among the people and traded on the tongues of officials, opponents, writers and thinkers

Reuters .. The threat of al Qaeda militants may stimulate Egypt

  Reuters ..   The threat of al Qaeda militants may stimulate Egypt   CAIRO (Reuters) - may be gaining hardliners emboldened by the threat by al Qaeda's Egyptian Christians despite the fact that the organization may find it difficult to carry out an attack of this kind. And the Organization of Islamic State in Iraq linked to al Qaeda, which carried out an attack on a church in Baghdad on Sunday killed 52 people a threat to the Egyptian Church as well. While there are no signs of the emergence of a movement of Islamic militants to once again similar to those that were in the nineties, Egypt is still in a state of alert of anything that could provoke sectarian tensions that sometimes ignites

Huge fire in the building of the Maronite Archbishop of Serbs and the death of the priest, Pierre Khuyri

  Huge fire in the building of the Maronite Archbishop of Serbs and the death of the priest, Pierre Khuyri   Said the representative of the National Agency for the media that a large fire broke out at half past three in the morning in a building Diocese Sarba Maronite, wounding priest Pierre Khuyri which was transferred to the hospital, Our Lady of Lebanon is in critical condition and he died. And according to our representative that when the fire broke out was inside archdiocese Bishop Guy Paul Noujaim and Al-Khoury Fadi Salameh and Deacon Nadim Shalita, in addition to the priest Khuyri. and after the time of the outbreak of the fire, attended the elements of civil defense and worked to extinguish the fire, also attended the security forces and began investigating the cause of the outbreak of the free

Breaking News .. Close the axis of the two sides after the coup car security central

  Breaking News ..   Close the axis of the two sides after the coup car security central   Coup led security vehicle on the road to a central axis to stop traffic completely, and closed the road from two sides, while ambulances rushed the injured who did not know their number, until now  The seventh day Ewalikm details shortly after  Coup led security vehicle on the road to a central axis to stop traffic completely, and closed the road from two sides, while ambulances rushed the injured who did not know their number, until now " The seventh day after the little details Ewalikm

Father Abdel Massih Abu good for simple (Reuters) .. "The threat is not directed only to the Christians in Egypt but is also directed to the Egyptian state

  Father Abdel Massih Abu good for simple (Reuters) ..   "The threat is not directed only to the Christians in Egypt but is also directed to the Egyptian state," "Said Father Abdel Massih simple church Coptic Orthodox Church the largest Christian community in Egypt, said that" the threat is not directed only to the Christians in Egypt but is also directed to the Egyptian state. (Computers) security in Egypt ruled on terrorism in the nineties and the state is still able today to eliminate these new threats. "said Father Abdel Massih simple Church Coptic Orthodox Church the largest Christian community in Egypt, said that" the threat is not directed only to the Christians in Egypt but is also directed to the Egyptian state. (computers) security in Egypt ruled on terrorism in the nineties and the state is still capable

Syrian film deals with a new sanctity of the Virgin Mary to the writer information Maysa Salloum

  Syrian film deals with a new sanctity of the Virgin Mary to the writer information Maysa Salloum After the success of the writer media Syrian Maysa Salloum in the launch of her role in the world, "Damascus speaks of Paul the Apostle," preparing writer Maysa to launch when a new titled "divine Mary" The film will deal with her life since childhood, even after the rise and resurrection of Jesus Christ. On the reason for the selection of a sacred Virgin Mary said writer and media Maysa Salloum Jordan added: important because it is personal in the gospel of the Bible chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus Christ, my film will focus on this new phenomenon is important in our societies and will be highlighted on the miracle of pregnancy

O people quickly badly stances, get rid of" .. Al Qaeda's threats end the demonstrations, "the return of Camellia" mosques

  "O people quickly badly stances, get rid of" ..   Al Qaeda's threats end the demonstrations, "the return of Camellia" mosques   Group announced "I am my predecessor for another" pause it tomorrow, Friday, in front of a mosque leader Ibrahim Alexandria, to ask for what they called a "release of Camellia Shehata." منظمو  Organisers announced that the demonstration is the recent references to the al Qaeda threat last of the churches of Egypt, and the fear of arrests by security, especially after the statement of Dr. Mahmoud Hamdy Zaqzouq, Minister of Awqaf, that such demonstrations have been the cause of the threats of al Qaeda Stance is expected tomorrow is the stand 13 of the Salafi movement, and the demonstration organizers announced on their forums and Jrobathm

Vatican: flight of Christians from Islamic countries is irreversible

  Vatican: flight of Christians from Islamic countries is irreversible   Vatican - (AKI) Italian news agency - said the President of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Travellers, Monsignor Antonio Maria ڤilio that "the future of Christians in Muslim-majority countries has become, however much," and despite "the commitment of the Holy See and the ongoing quest to remain Christians in their countries, but it seems that migration has become irreversible, "according to his words in his speech during a meeting of the heads of the Catholic Church in Eastern Europe in the Bulgarian capital Sofia on the fifth of November of this, he said Monsignor

Then burned the Maronite Archbishop of Serbs and died Rev. Pierre burned

  Is it a coincidence ..   Say to Michel Aoun, we burn churches . A threatening letter arrived in the Lebanese OTV channel ..   Then burned the Maronite Archbishop of Serbs and died Rev. Pierre burned   Remains the third event, and dangerous: a mysterious fire in the night the Maronite Archbishop of Serbs, killing a priest ... the news here, it may seem sporadic incidents daily ... but two things make it sounded great risk: first, that the fire comes by chance, After the attack fundamentalism in more than one country of the region, after the Vatican Synod on the Middle East. OTV، Secondly, the fire can come by chance, after hours on the telephone threat was received by the OTV, that message verbatim: say to Michel Aoun, we burn the churches

In an official statement to them today .. American Muslims condemn al Qaeda threats to the Christians of Egypt

In an official statement to them today .. American Muslims condemn al Qaeda threats to the Christians of Egypt Egyptian community in America convicted al Qaeda threats against the Church in Egypt Gamal Gerges Hustler Condemned the Egyptian community in the United States of America, the recent threats launched by al Qaeda against the church in Egypt. The community, in a statement, said that the teachings of Islam ordered charity to non-Muslims, and prohibit abuse. The community, in its statement, we reject any say or do is a threat or intimidation of Copts in Egypt, because the attack on our fellow Christians or churches or their money or property is forbidden in Islam with the Qur'an and Sunnah and the Hadiths. " The statement added: "that those who inflict harm our brothers Christians or their property or incite the committing a great sin and actually evil, and thus violate the commands of Allah and His Messenger - peace be upon him - and Islam is innocen

Pope Shenouda sees a positive face in solidarity with the Church .. Threats "Al Qaeda" heal the wounds of the Egyptians temporarily sectarian

  Pope Shenouda sees a positive face in solidarity with the Church ..   Threats "Al Qaeda" heal the wounds of the Egyptians temporarily sectarian Cairo: "A blessing in disguise", so see Egyptians threats "Al Qaeda" in Iraq by targeting churches and Christians in Egypt, in response to what he called "the detention of Muslim Almosurat in prisons, churches and monasteries," a reference to the two women Camellia Shehata wife priest in the province of Minya, and meet Constantin wife priest in the province of the lake, which is rumored that they converted to Islam, then forced them government to return to Christianity, were turned over to the church. It was agreed that everyone in Egypt to reject these threats, and respond to the start of the head of the Church through the government

Church congratulates the "seventh day" award for "Forbes"

  Church congratulates the "seventh day" award for "Forbes" Praised Bishop Moussa, Bishop of young Orthodox Church, the accession newspaper on the seventh day on the first place prize Forbes for more news sites influence in the Middle East and the Arab world, describing the award as the award "great" deserves newspaper respected, demanding to maintain this status., "Said Bishop Moses:" We are very pleased to win the "seventh day" in this Grand Prix, which actually deserves the newspapers featuring credible and transfer news impartially, when he learned of the victory on the seventh day the prize was very happy.

Sawiris: I am confident in the ability of Egyptian security forces to protect places of worship of al Qaeda threats

  Sawiris: I am confident in the ability of Egyptian security forces to protect places of worship of al Qaeda threats   Said Naguib Sawiris, CEO Orascom Telecom, the Algerian government's decision to nationalize a company Jeezy subsidiary of Orascom in Algeria, did not represent any concern for him because he was a predictable decision, since the beginning of the crisis, adding that he had sent to the Algerian Prime Minister all the documents needed by his country, to determine the value fair Djezzy. and about the impact of nationalization decision Djezzy the merger with the company VimpelCom, Russian, Sawiris said he will not have an impact on the deal as reported in some media, pointing out that the OCI has made no secret of VimpelCom and problems

Mubarak telephoned to assure good health and Shenouda

  Mubarak telephoned to assure good health and Shenouda President Hosni Mubarak's telephone conversations yesterday with all of the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Grand Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb at treatment in France and Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Episcopate, after returning from his trip from his medical trip to the homeland. President Hosni Mubarak's telephone conversations yesterday with all of the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Grand Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb at treatment in France and Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Episcopate, after returning from his trip from his medical trip to the homeland. President Hosni Mubarak

United Press: Egyptian involved in the process of parcel bombs

  United Press: Egyptian involved in the process of parcel bombs   Agency said the United Press of America said that Egyptian joined the al-Qaeda involvement in the process of sending parcel bombs from Yemen to the United States, which was unveiled in Britain and Dubai. The agency explained that, despite the fact that Ibrahim Al-Asiri, is the main suspect in the terrorist plot, but that the plot bore the hallmarks of Egyptian Saif fair Egyptian, who was among the leaders of the Army of al-Qaida in time, which Iran launched recently released after he spent nine years under house arrest. The report of the United States Agency that the reports revealed the existence

Arab Lawyers" demands blood retribution Kamal Necklace Germany

  "Arab Lawyers" demands blood retribution Kamal Necklace Germany Said Hamdy Khalifa, President of the Bar and the President of the Arab Lawyers Union, that is under way to prepare for convening 4 conferences on the fight against terrorism, and al Qaeda threat to the Copts, and the murder of a young Egyptian Kamal necklace in Germany, and the fight against illiteracy. And warned the Bar Association in a statement today, Thursday, tendencies racism, which appear from time to time in some Western countries, particularly in Germany, "said Khalifa in a statement:" What we almost let's wounded martyr Arab Marwa El-Sherbini and Nlmlm remains of this incident, as our wake up the wounds of deep death of Martyr Kamal necklace, Arab Christian

Hariri: When targeting any one particular sect of Christians will be a sword hanging by

  Hariri: When targeting any one particular sect of Christians will be a sword hanging by Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, "We in Lebanon would be a hand of steel in the face of all people exposed to any Lebanese Christians in this country," he said, adding: "We are all Lebanese not differentiate between Muslims and Christians, but when it is targeted them any variety of sects and particularly the Christians we would be a sword hanging on it. "Hariri, in a speech this morning at the opening of the workshop introductory launch of" cultural tourism, religious "in the Grand Serail, considered that" co-existence that exists in Lebanon today is the backbone of the country, and religious tourism is at the heart

الطائفية ترفرف على قرية أولاد خلف بسوهاج والاقباط " نريد تدخل سريع "!

الطائفية ترفرف على قرية أولاد خلف بسوهاج والاقباط " نريد تدخل سريع "! كتبها نادر شكري الأحد, 31 أكتوبر 2010 19:40 فرض كردون أمنى على منازل الاقباط ومخاوف من انفجار الاوضاع فترة من الهدوء سادت مصر خلال الاشهر الماضية لم تشهد اى اعمال عنف او احداث طائفية منذ أحداث مرسى مطروح الاخيرة فى مارس الماضى ولكن يبدو أن الاوضاع تنذر باوضاع نخشى من تجديدها لاسييما بعد موجة المظاهرات والمسيرات التى خرجت الاسابيع الماضية فى عدد من المحافظات تلوح بالطائفية وتحرض على الكراهية وهو ما دعى لتخوف البعض من انتقل مثل هذه الافكار الى البسطاء وتعكير صفو السلام الاجتماعى وكانت لقرية اولاد خلف التابعة لدار السلام بسوهاج البداية الى أنتقل اليها سموم الطائفية عقب احتقانات ظهرت منذ الاثنين الماضى بعد ما اشيع عن  سيدة مسلمة

جنايات شبين تحيل أوراق جانى الباجور الى المفتى

فى سابقة هى الأولى من نوعها بعد هجومه على الأقباط : جنايات شبين تحيل أوراق جانى الباجور الى المفتى أصدرت محكمة جنايات شبين الكوم يوم الاربعاء 27 اكتوبر حكمها الأربعاء فى قضية الهجوم على ثلاثة أقباط بمركز الباجور بالمنوفية والتى أسفرت عن مقتل قبطى وإصابة أثنين اخرين حيث أحالت المحكمة أوراق الجانى الى فضيلة مفتى الجمهورية ووصف اقباط المنوفية الحكم بانه العادل والمنصف بعد محاولات من دفاع الجاني لاثبات أصابته بمرض نفسى . صدر الحكم فى القضية رقم 130 جنايات شبين الكوم الدائرة الرابعة برئاسة القاضى بلال محمد ابو السعود والمستشارين طارق احسان على ورأفت ذكى محمود. قال عزيز عريان المحامى وقريب الصلة بالمجنى علية أن الحكم الصادر هو الاول من نوعه فى الأحداث الطائفية التى يتم فيها احالة أوراق الجانى الى مفتى الجمهورية حيث سيتم النطق بالحكم فى 25 ديسمبر المقبل بعد عرضه على مفتى الجمهورية واضاف عريان أن الحكم سبب نوعا من الارتياح لأسرة المجنى علية عبده جورجى يونان الذى لقى حتفه على يد الجانى جلال عربان " عامل دوكو والذى هاجم المجنى علية فى محلة وقام بذبحة وفر ويصيب اثنين آخرين