
عرض المشاركات من مارس ١٣, ٢٠١١

The outbreak of fires in 206 locations after the earthquake in Japan

  The outbreak of fires in 206 locations after the earthquake in Japan   Agency announced the Fire Department and the fight against the Japanese disaster, the number of fires that have erupted since the earthquake yesterday was 206 fires.

Explosion and a second one of the reactors check Fukushima, Japan

  Explosion and a second one of the reactors check Fukushima, Japan According to the Associated Press of America to a Japanese government spokesman said that there was an explosion in part on the verge of happening in the second reactor of the Fukushima station reactors.

Professor of Turkish Politics: World powers fear the success of the Egyptian revolution

  Professor of Turkish Politics: World powers fear the success of the Egyptian revolution Ahmad and Wissal occur, a professor of political sociology at the University of Gazi Osman, Turkey, about the reactions of world powers on January 25 Revolution, which forced President Mubarak to step down from power after 30 years holding the country with an iron fist.

Iranian university professor warns of segregation in universities

  Iranian university professor warns of segregation in universities Ibrahim Fayyad warned a member of the Scientific University of Tehran, from the application of gender segregation in educational institutions in Iran would turn the educational centers for Walker, the homosexual agenda, and will rise in homosexuality.

German Foreign Minister expresses his condolences to the victims of Japan

  German Foreign Minister expresses his condolences to the victims of Japan Guido expressed Vtosrovily, German Foreign Minister, expressed condolences and shared the victims of natural disaster in Japan, where he said "We are offering to do everything in our power to provide support to overcome the consequences of this disaster."

Japan on the threshold of living the worst crisis in its history

  Japan on the threshold of living the worst crisis in its history Said Naoto Kan, Japanese Prime Minister, said that his country on the threshold of the worst crisis of life experienced by his country since the horrors and disasters of World War II, and that following the devastation which swept Japan after the devastating earthquake and tsunami, which caused casualties and material losses, and put Japan in front of a nuclear crisis seriously .

"Israel is Arabic," call for normalization with the Israeli Arabs

  "Israel is Arabic," call for normalization with the Israeli Arabs . Established by the Israeli Foreign Ministry Gruppa on facebook under the name "Israel's Arabic-speaking" in order to define all the Arab countries for Israel in all areas of policy and economy, art and culture.

Aboud Al: I study my candidacy for the presidency

  Aboud Al: I study my candidacy for the presidency He Abboud Elzimralamatql since 2001, after the expiration of his prison in the killing of President Sadat in 1981, Gateway delegation in his first statement after his release from his cell with a Tora prison, he was glad the decision to release him, particularly that Habib El Adly and his entourage are imprisoned his place in prison farm Tora and out of the door of scavengers, "he said." He pointed to his happiness selecting a former President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak in Sharm el-Sheikh with his wife and his two sons, Gamal and Alaa, said: "who contributed to the feeling of happiness is also news to freeze the assets and funds of the former president and his family

Bishop Isaiah Bishop of Tahta and supervisor confirms the appearance of the Virgin in Sohag Governorate

  Bishop Isaiah Bishop of Tahta and supervisor confirms the appearance of the Virgin in Sohag Governorate أ Said Bishop Isaiah Bishop Tahta and supervisor in Sohag Governorate that the Virgin appeared city supervisor on Saturday evening, and received the people's impressions amid joy, and hymns and the joy of the people of the village Bottiyav Virgin and swarms bathroom and saw a thousand of the population of civil rights. The bishop said that the people of Naga Abu night and the village of Nazlat center supervisor had saw the appearance of luminosity spectra and white bath on Saturday night on the roof of the church. He noted that people greeted Bishop Alnoarnet spectra over the Church of St. George the Great Martyr Naga Abulelh center supervisor

Tomorrow .. Verdict in the case of a child rapist Farshout and the withdrawal of Defense

  Tomorrow ..   Verdict in the case of a child rapist Farshout and the withdrawal of Defense . Criminal Court issued Qana tomorrow, Monday, headed by Judge Ahmed Omran ruling in the case, accused of raping a child Farshout George Baromy. The court had extended to the verdict at the last meeting was not possible to deport the defendant from custody of a Cairo prison

Salafis: infanticide strife to build a church Atfih .. Hassan issued a statement of reconciliation of Atfih

  Salafis: infanticide strife to build a church Atfih ..   Hassan issued a statement of reconciliation of Atfih Intervention groups and the elders of Salafists strongly to persuade young Muslims, objector to rebuild and beautify the church was vandalized following the sectarian clashes in the village of Atfih, allow the construction of the church again, meanwhile, announced the Egyptian army that began today to remove waste around the church in preparation for return to their previous state. Has demanded " Salafist call "Muslims and Christians in Egypt primacy of public interest of the country, appealing to young Muslims not to oppose the army to build a church Atfih, under an initiative aimed at resolving the sectarian strife Atfih resolve the crisis

A delegation of youth «access» plans to travel to Maspero to inform the protesters on the situation in the village

  A delegation of youth «access» plans to travel to Maspero to inform the protesters on the situation in the village   Detection of the Christian people of the village «access» Atfih governorate of Helwan unveiled an initiative intended to carry out during the coming hours, include the formation of youth delegation from the village to go to the protesters in front of the television and radio in Maspero to inform them of the reality of the situation in the village. He said a youth of the village - in a statement to the Middle East News Agency, Sunday, The delegation, which includes Muslims and Christians would not seek to persuade the protesters broke up their sit-in, but will explain the situation to them and reveal the facts because many of the protestors had heard about the events of the village and the media

Army begins construction of a church access

  Army begins construction of a church access   The armed forces announced that they will start from Sunday to rebuild the village church access Botfaih governorate of Helwan The Brigade Staff Adel al-Qurashi a senior armed forces, during a rally at a rally in the village in which a number of the clergy, said in a statement carried by the channel the first Egyptian television tonight that, at the tolerance shown by the youth of the village to rebuild the church, the Council Top of the armed forces is estimated that the position of youth and decides to build a church at the expense of the armed forces and carried out

Disengagement sit in front of the Copts «Maspero» after meeting «sentences» and promises of the Council of Ministers to resolve their problems

  Disengagement sit in front of the Copts «Maspero» after meeting «sentences» and promises of the Council of Ministers to resolve their problems Advertise Coptic youth for the resolution of his retreat in front of the radio and television Pmaspiro, after meeting representatives of their own, on Sunday afternoon, with Dr. Yahya Jamal, Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers, and resulted in response to the Cabinet for most of the demands of the protestors and to study the rest of the requests., "Said Rami Kamel, one of the young people who attended the meeting, said Dr. Yahya sentences and promised to build Diocese bell and the infection quickly, and begin to build a church of the Virgin Mary and Saint conclusion Bazbp palm trees, and open all the churches closed for security reasons

Copts continue to sit Pmaspiro despite the start of construction of a church Atfih

  Copts continue to sit Pmaspiro despite the start of construction of a church Atfih   Continue the preparation of the Copts sit for the ninth day in a row despite the decision of the Supreme Council of the armed forces to rebuild the Church of martyrs in the village of arrival at the center of Atfih Helwan Governorate with effect from Sunday. The protesters Copts Sunday Mass in a place sit and then continued singing Christian songs and some songs the Church, which rises voice through the speakers and through the internal radio, which they built in front of the television and radio Pmaspiro. The number of young Christians and Muslims from the village people

And continued calls for cutting the parties agitators .. And stresses: January Uprising was built on the foundations of Islamic

  And continued calls for cutting the parties agitators ..   And stresses: January Uprising was built on the foundations of Islamic Called Dr. Nasr Farid Wasel, the Mufti of the Republic of the former, to the activation of Article II of the Constitution and the application of the legal boundaries as contained in the Sharia, as the revolution of January 25 «built on the foundations of Islamic and to approach the Messenger of Allah», warning that the deviation of the police was the result of not activating this article. He continued in his speech at the First Conference of the Association legitimacy in Giza Governorate, under the title «call for a return to stability and security in the Egyptian street,» that the lack of activation of the second article of the Constitution

Sheikh Al-Azhar assured the health of Pope Shenouda III

  Sheikh Al-Azhar assured the health of Pope Shenouda III   Held a Grand Imam Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb Al-Azhar Al-Sharif telephoned Sunday Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Episcopate, to check on his health after conducting some tests, Medical Hospital, Cleveland Clinic, Ohio. The Grand Imam wished the Pope a speedy recovery and return the safety of God Mu `safe and expressed the hope that by the grace of God blessed with health and wellness as a symbol of patriotism. The Grand Imam said, the spirit of cooperation and fraternity among the Egyptians

Wissa, the delegation: accelerating the election carries the risk of government control of the Brotherhood

  Wissa, the delegation: accelerating the election carries the risk of government control of the Brotherhood Brotherhood tried to jump on the revolution and give it a religious character regimes religious proved unsuccessful and the directory "Iran" and "Hamas" Article II follows the laws biased in favor of one class of citizens, the Christian trap installs the religious system was trying to control the young Christians through the church Copts seeking for democratic governance in Egypt  Brotherhood tried to jump on the revolution and give it a religious character of religious regimes have proved unsuccessful and the directory "Iran" and "Hamas" Article II follows the laws of the biased to one group of citizens slitting

Sacher: results of a demonstration of the Revolution, responded to the temptation of trying to make

  Sacher: results of a demonstration of the Revolution, responded to the temptation of trying to make Thousands of people demonstrated in Cairo and the provinces, calling for national unity, and non-sectarian, and accused the former regime elements to ignite the fire of intolerance, and bloodshed among the Egyptians, to thwart the revolution, according to a newspaper, "The Egyptian Today", in Addhaa issued on Saturday, has vowed the military junta to begin build a church in the village of martyrs access, Botfaih Commenting on the news said Coptic thinker, "Kamal Zakher," that these demonstrations, the results of a revolution, January 25, and in response to anyone who tries to make a division between the Egyptians, and that the demonstrations are welcome from all quarters, there is nothing shameful

Pope Shenouda requests from the armed forces re-7 to open churches closed

  Pope Shenouda requests from the armed forces re-7 to open churches closed The Ramses Najjar lawyer as an agent for Pope Shenouda III at the request of the Supreme Council of the armed forces to re-opening of churches closed in several provinces. Najjar said that the basis of the reopening and renovation of churches issued security decisions close it or abstain from a decision to re-restored on the basis of a security has no legal justification, he said, adding that he had made ​​that request in the belief that the Supreme Council of the armed forces came for the people and their rights without discrimination. Najjar added that the request of the churches are the seven churches of the Church of St. Mark and the Church of the Virgin and Saint Bishoy and the Church of St.

Mass demonstrations of the Copts in Minya to build Diocese bell

  Mass demonstrations of the Copts in Minya to build Diocese bell Came out on Sunday afternoon after the end of the prayers of Sunday Mass tens of thousands of Copts in Minya Governorate in massive demonstrations and slogans sponsors several demands of the military came in the forefront of responding to acts of bullying by a gang of criminal acts against the Copts in the village of Albderman and allow rebuilding Diocese bell that stopped the construction of the governor of Minya and the dismissal of each of the Governors of Helwan and Minya. was more than forty thousand people from the villages of Deir Abu Henes and Deir al-Barsha and Al Barsha, located east of the Nile status Mallawi solidarity with the village of albedo and the Monastery of Archangel West Nile had organized a march and mass demonstrations roamed the Showa

Artist "Smile": There are Muslim girls in the village "Atfih" wrote letters to the Virgin and leave the church

  Artist "Smile": There are Muslim girls in the village "Atfih" wrote letters to the Virgin and leave the church Said the artist "Smile" - through the "last words" submitted via satellite "Online TV" - it was part of a delegation that went to the center "Atfih", which included clergy, military and public figures, politicians and young people from a coalition youth revolution and independent figures. Pointing out that through her ​​conversations with villagers, I discovered the story of the church that are somewhat different from before in the media, and the general belief that the church was exercised within or hypocrisy in that it caused a lot of divorce cases in the village. Confirmed that one of the girls I sat with a delegation of Muslim girls in the village

Mufti: Solving the sectarian strife is the achievement of citizenship between the Egyptians

  Mufti: Solving the sectarian strife is the achievement of citizenship between the Egyptians Stressed the Mufti of the Republic Dr. Ali Gomaa, the solution and effective treatment for the problem of sectarianism chronic lies in activating the meaning of citizenship, and settled between the citizens in rights and duties before the law and work to eradicate sedition from the root, especially as we embark on a new era, adding that the Egyptians are tired of the abuse of painkillers to recover from the disease.

Prime Minister meet a delegation from the church to discuss the recent events

  Prime Minister meet a delegation from the church to discuss the recent events   Met on Sunday evening, Dr. Essam Sharaf, chairman of the caretaker government, a delegation from the Egyptian Church at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The meeting aims to support the government in defusing the conflict between Muslims and Copts in the delicate phase that is passing by Egypt, also addressed the meeting to discuss a number of files internal task and recent events. met on Sunday evening, Dr. Essam Sharaf, chairman of the caretaker government, a delegation from the Egyptian Church at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The meeting aims to support the government in defusing the conflict between Muslims and Copts in the stage careful

صورة لجميع شهداء المقطم الزرايب من دير القديس سمعان الخراز A picture of all the martyrs of Mokattam Zarayeb of the monastery of St. Simeon Kharraz


What if Satan had taken a vacation?

What if Satan had taken a vacation? By Hanan adorable Sawiris - The Free Copts Revolution came 25 January and optimism Egyptians of all sects good hope to see our beloved Egypt country a new and different is better than ever optimistic that we see in the new dress we have not seen it since more than a quarter of a century and already we have seen Egypt in the form we missed it for decades, but We had lost hope that we see in one day, a sight cohesion Copts with Muslims and the determination of the rules of the past to maintain the lack of communication Ooallahm them, but they made ​​all they can even occur task force between the parties and keep them away from some of the various ways and to keep it so as not to meet views, including never when you view the ideas, opinions, and this so as not to demolish the walls by metal lodged for that not to happen and the unit, including Vtkon force against them can not stand in front of they made ​​to take that into account an