We publish the sayings Saint Cyril told the court on the issue of Nag Hammadi

We publish the sayings Saint Cyril told the court on the issue of Nag Hammadi
Hanan conceptual follow-up
A new round with the issue of Nag Hammadi, which claimed the lives of seven young men on the night of Holiday Birth Jan. .. The defense team fought for any victims today after hearing the testimony of His Grace Bishop Cyril bishop of Qena, Nag Hammadi, which ... have heard of the court .. Then discussed the third defense of the accused in the case .. And after the prosecution presented their case, court documents showed the case to postpone the case to the defense of the defendants on December 18 next. The hearing began in the momentum of a massive security .. Summoned by Justice Mohamed Fahmy President of the Court of Saint Cyril Certificate students to bring a chair center of the hall and invited him to sit down during his testimony, commensurate with his prestige as a man of religion .. then asked him to divide Voksm HG Bishop Kyrillos "By God, the great bear witness to the right" .. Suddenly a room in each attendee to be able to hear the voice of the witness .. The judge's order to sit down and was critical firm then asked the Bishop Cyril said:
Q: When I finished the prayer service in the feast that night?A: at about 11 or 11, and ten minutes.Q: Is this timing is the usual time to end the Eid prayer service down?A: NoQ: What is the usual time?A: The one in the morning.Q: Are you finished all the churches in the Nag Hammadi Kdasadtha at the same time?A: all the churches the Mass ended between 10 and 1911. At the time, which we have all agreed to end the prayers earlyQ: What is the motive behind the prayers to end early?Because of what was raised from hearsay and threats among the people on the impact of events in Farshout which began hesitate after the middle of the people of Nag Hammadi that there is revenge what "we Hanaml and settle in you - meaning Christians - and that without access to any threat meanings of any person to us Vthuta of the order we have decided to end the prayers early.Q: Do you told the end of those responsible for the frequency of those rumors?A: NoQ: When I returned to the archdiocese in that night?A: about 11 m and a quarter.Q: Who was with you then?C: a group of deacons do not remember them only two were Morris and Ayman al-Riyad Mansour.Q: What happened after that?A: Two minutes after I archbishopric or three minutes I heard the gunshot-Fihrol young people out of the front door of the Diocese and have returned to tell me that there are so-called fire and earth Subtractive people are infected.Q: Do you see these two young men who fired?A: I did not say to me, but "in reality the people in the street"Q: Do you Abrak the identity of the injured or dead and the killers?A: NoQ: What have you done on the impact of that?A: I ran to the back door of the Diocese of Shuf what happened.Q: What inspired you to go to the back door and not the front where it was shot?A: I guessed that from the shoot will go in the direction of the Street March 30, which overlooks the rear door of the Patriarchate direction of the car.Here objected to enhancement of potential inside the cage a blatant lie lied to resort to God and the agent continued to scream in hysteria is disciplined, forcing Chancellor Mohammed Fahmy immediately to take him out outlying areas of the room in order not to profaning the speech Mthelmafl formerly with General Ahmed Hegazy witness in the case. Then completed the Counselor Fahmy Forward Questions of HG Bishop Kyrillos, saying: What has invited you to think they will walk in this direction?A: I guess it's just a guess.Q: What is the distance between the front and the back entrance of the Diocese?A: about 30 meters.Q: What is the purpose of which is desired by you to refer to the back door?A: What did you Shuf Bejry. Received and returned fire hitting Tani.Q: Do you know if the N and the type of car?A: Yes mortality oil shale and saw three Juaha Markzatc Maine with the trauma they are.Q: Whitrbwa from where they were?A: I was the right of the Arab and beatings were from the north.Q: I heard the shots otherwise?A: I heard a second batch at the intersection of Port Said, with March 30.Q: Do you Zhbpt out there?A: Talat at Bank of Egypt to the field officers received Bicoloa back because the enhancement of potential Bimutnas bath in the street.Q: Here arises the second defendant and said, "Brigadier General Praise Hegazy apocryphal case we resort to God and the agent" has been screaming brought him judge of the meeting as well. And then completed his interrogation, saying: What is your relationship with pools and enhancement of potential?A: bath enhancement of potential is known to all people at the country level Gani-time job application.Q: Is the frequency you again?A: Absolutely not.Q: Can you give help or charity, or charity?

A: or anything, not even clothing.Q: Are there some differences between you?Absolutely not.Q: Have you seen one of the three who fired?A: NoQ: What do you know about the bathroom?A: It is known for his friend, in the way of bullying and bully it.Q: Do you think that the instigator behind the incident?A: When asked in the investigation said it owe the text of the eighth car I said to owe someone half his eighth where you will come to a weapon unless it was bought by someone else.Q: Are you and him any disagreement?A: Muslims at all and my relationship is very good.Q: Who told after the incident?C: Director of security and state security.After he had finished the judge of his questions for St Cyril the face of the defendants to the first and second question now about whether they want to ask questions Fajaba exile either defend the third accused lawyer Osama judge insisted to direct a few questions, saying: What is the motive, who invited you to apply on behalf of the College to hear your words?Saint Cyril replied, saying: Attorney General called me and told me, "you want information and select a date when we meet and then told me I am to give the information that I apply for on behalf of the college.Then he said Osama lawyer: does not come in your words said the youth told you that there is harm to the fire from a car, what inspired you to rush to the back door behind the car did not see any T mentioned already ..?Saint Cyril replied: guess not only isWhat has invited you to return again to the Diocese?A: firing.Osama and then said: "If Bishop Cyril jog back door for fear of humanitarian instinct is not to say one thing, but it is interesting that he went out the back door despite the fact that beatings were at the front door.Q: You said you saw the car with fire and launches you were fired fire?A: No lip infectious and then I heard the shooting.Q: What is the distance between the rear door and the street 30 March?A: 10 meters.Q: Is this enough time to cross this distance the car?A: The Arab cattle slowly.Q: What made you Tzernan that car is fired?A: The first thing that came back told me Metropolitan Youth Bath enhancement of potential passengers was an Arab oil shale and Whitrb fire.Q: What came back?President of the Court intervened, saying: You keep telling them I Ayza huh kill me. "Then he said, Abba Cyril: "I said what happened" and I have a saree.Sal Chairman HG Bishop Kyrillos Do you have other sayings Faja by not asked him to sign and disbursed from the courtroom and then began to Massada verbal high between the Chair and the lawyer Osama judge where a request Alajeraadp question two forensic doctors about whether the victims or witnesses ashamed alcohol or not and asked re-responded witnesses regulars in the case, as requested by waiting for the presence of a lawyer Nabih monster who did not attend this meeting as well as crime scene have all been previously rejected by Justice Mohamed Fahmy all requests once objected to Osama threatened to withdraw, said his adviser Fahmy Feltenshab will not respond to the court to those requests and the impact of that almost Sameh Ashour lawyer and former attorney general and defense of victims that come out of the meeting. The Chair felt that he cried, saying, His Excellency Captain where to go. Smile Ashour said: Do you gave me minutes showed the conceptual heard him President Binsat severe and grabbed Sameh opportunity, offering his defense after the court objected to many months on the defense of victims, said: "We appreciate the August body, but we have the right to clarify our view and our point of view that the Law 105, which prohibits the presence of the defendant the right of civil courts, the Supreme State Security Emergency that exceptional circumstances may not be measuring it The parties in criminal cases Four countries are accused and the victim and the prosecution and the defendant the right of civil, all have rights, but special is the victim of that has to be giving us the right to speak for victims, there are families of wounded sons and families Others claimed the young victims of the massacre of breath after the prayer. Nhnasahab blood and owners the right to hold that the right to talk about any victims that will not delay the adjudication of the case.And went on Sameh, saying: empty crime of all motives of religious and logical perpetrators are do not have any links religious and not known to be pious versa are registered risk on charges of indecent and they are not related by blood or ratios with family or any family who raped her daughter in Farshout even doing this terrorist operation in retaliation for the Christians, not even the time dimension between the incident Farshout "Atsab man, Christian, Muslim girl" and the Nag Hammadi Fbnhma accident several months so we call Ptoukieqsy punishment on the accused because this is the right of the whole society and the right of community safety.It is worth mentioning that the case Ashour came in two phases before and after the case prosecutor general said in her defense that the crime in Farshout moral crime is not related to the crowds of Christians and crime in the Nag Hammadi individual has no relationship with crowds of Muslims and must be retribution from the offender, and did not have mercy must only be signed by the Mercy to keep our society from the specter of sectarian strife, which overlooks the smell of rotten our society.?

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