History of the Coptic Orthodox Church in western Switzerland Sector (French)

History of the Coptic Orthodox Church in western SwitzerlandSector (French)
By Dr Maurice FahmyCounty of Lausanne
The idea of the establishment of the Coptic Church in Switzerland in general and in Geneva in particular, in the late seventies, they were not before us, that association or body, or even a fixed place. It was the number of Copts in Lausanne and Geneva, not exceeding a few fingers.
And Masses were held in this period of time until 1981 was served by The late Bishop Samuel, Bishop of services at the time. The rate is two or three times a year. And were held in all the Chapelle Accessories Young Men's Christian Association, Geneva Y. M. C. A. Then in all the Crypte Accessories Center Greek Orthodox b Chabesy Geneva.
In this period, specifically in February 1979 was attended by us of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III at the invitation of the World Council of Churches and later launched the first Coptic church in London, and his Holiness upon his arrival to Geneva, the establishment of a prayer of thanks Action de grace in the church of Saint-Paul-St. Centre Paul Greek Orthodox, and church bells rang in celebration introduction. Then the third day of his stay in Geneva, before returning to the seat of his throne in Egypt, the establishment of mass Habré the same church attended by a large number of foreigners, especially Greeks.This is His Holiness the Pope had blessed us with an introduction to the spiritual construction of the Coptic Church in Switzerland and the definition of one of the oldest Christian churches in the world after Jerusalem and Antioch.After the departure of Bishop Samuel in 1981 when we lost a father figure who was also sought in the lack of .... And then turned our attention to the priests who were serving in the Lord, or at the time, and they were few.However the conditions of service and complexity in their country, they came to us function fatherhood and love to participate in the service of the Church arising in Switzerland remind them credit for and appreciation:Father Shenouda Doss and was then Kahenna in Frankfurt (Germany).
Father John Kahenna announcement was in Austria.
However, given the difficulty of covering spiritual services in various churches in Germany, Austria and the lack of priests in these two countries at that time, our attention has turned to London. This church and extended her hand and responded to our call for spiritual .....The presence of Bcoy Bushra in Switzerland on the first Sunday of each month of the establishment of the Divine Liturgy the beginning of a new era in the service of spiritual StandingIn Switzerland. The Church of London came to us as well as Father Antonius fixed to support the emerging church, and thankfully the service was rotated with the Father Bishoy Church of Switzerland even able to stand on its feet.And continued service to the Church of London for her younger sister in Switzerland until December 1983, attended by Father Serapion (currently His Grace Bishop Serapion), and was ordained a priest for all of Switzerland at the hands of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III.The Coptic Church in Switzerland, a city of thanks and appreciation to all the priests who participated in the tender spiritual building and the establishment of the Church, and to remind them all tired love and their contribution to the building of a church.
Under these circumstances, not of the church legal status or self-entity and was not governed by Jtmaatna religious "legitimacy" by the administrative authoritiesSwiss, so it was linked to this a handful of Copts in the form of body or association imperative.In application of Article 60 et seq of the Swiss Civil Code, was founded in January 30, 1982, "Association of the Copts in Switzerland""Association des Coptes en Suisse"Based in the city of Lausanne and of indefinite duration, for religious purposes, social, the most important purchase and leasing of Churches to establish Akaddsat .... Memorandum was signed in Lausanne, and the number of Christians involved in the contract is signed 16-member Assembly and gained so personal moral and stained by extension the Church formalized its presence legitimate ....On behalf of the Assembly, we rented a Protestant and Catholic churches in Lausanne and Geneva as potential time for the establishment of Mass on Sundays, and continued to search for a place fixed for the church. Due to the presence of abundance of dominant Copts in Geneva, research has tended to get a separate building suitable for church service. And the Lord grant us to rent the existing building based in Vernier (Geneva) has been agreed upon with the interest of Public Works Departement des Travaus Publices Geneva and the owner of the building. The contract was signed on December 7, 1985. And the head of His Grace Bishop Serapion, Bishop of public services in the service of liturgy opening night gala Christmas evening, January 6, 1986 Assigned by His Holiness Pope Shenouda III - attended the Mass to a group of members of foreign communities and other Orthodox churches. And carried the Coptic Church in Geneva Hafeetna name of the Blessed Virgin MaryEglie Copte Orthodoxe de la Vierge MarieIn line with the Assembly, and a deepening of the leading role in overseeing the church, and in support of its financial system by the government authorities (federal and local, has been further consolidated withheld legal in general have been taken all legal procedures to register the association and recorded among the social institutions and charities established under Swiss law In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 letter U. lep of the Law on individuals in the private moral. and has been approved by the Government of Geneva Consiel d Etat officially on July 12, 1989 and an official letter (Copy enclosed) signed by the head of Geneva at the time:Mr. Jacques Vernet, as well asMr. Rene Kronstein-Chancelier
Also published in the Official Gazette of the Government of Geneva:Feuille d, Ovis officielle de le Refullque et Canton de geneve.In its issue dated Friday, July 28, 1989
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After HG Bishop Serapion ordained bishop of the year on the feast of Pentecost services in 1985, has been ordained Father Aksios Anba Bishoy (and now His Grace Bishop Anthony) to serve our churches in Zurich, Geneva and Lausanne, and continued in service until July 1990.And then was ordained Father Sadarak Anba Bishoy (currently HG Bishop Abraham Bishop of Jerusalem) and began his service in September 1990 to November 1991.After that, the service for a transitional period, Father Epiphanius Anba Bishoy until March 1992.Then after that father came Aoranios Anba Bishoy to serve the churches of Switzerland and all that until March 1993.After that, the Father Theo Bishop Bishoy French service sector until April 1994.Currently and since 1994 the father Philopatir Bakhomy service churches of Lausanne and Geneva, and accessories.

* * * *Thus arose the Coptic Orthodox Church .... Calvin in Geneva and the City: Calvinisme theocentrequeThanks to the patronage of the Lord, and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and prayers of our father, beloved of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III through his pastoral repeated her ....
We ask the Lord has prospered and developed spiritually ..... The service is valid .... Pure
October 1998

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