History of the Coptic Orthodox Church in eastern and southern Switzerland (In both the German and Italian)

History of the Coptic Orthodox Church in eastern and southern Switzerland(In both the German and Italian)

By Dr. Samir Fawzy Girgis

That the relationship of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Switzerland and Central Europe is due in fact to the early hours of the date of the intensive proliferation of Christianity in these parts.
To transform the vast majority of the Swiss population to Christianity was a direct result of the preaching and martyrdom of the members of the medical battalion, which was numbering 6600 officers and soldiers of the people of Upper Egypt and Central America. This happened at the end of the third century and the beginning of the fourth century AD, when he ordered the emperor Dqldians (284-305) the transfer of the band Theban under the chairmanship of Egyptian leader Morris to the southwest of Switzerland to strengthen the defense line stretching from northern Italy through the Alps to the province of Valles, including throughout the River propelled grenades in central Switzerland then the Rhine River to the north of Germany. One of the main objectives of the transfer of this battalion is involved in the aborted revolution of the people Alpajud that erupted in southeastern France against Roman rule in that time, and was under the leadership of the two officers, and the Lendu Aljnos (285-286).
This was the band under the leadership of: Commander in Chief Maurice (This name means the officer Saidi), and the officer Victor bone (ie, diameter), and Auwersos (This name consists of three sections of hieroglyphic means Horus son of Isis), etc. ......... ......
According to custom and tradition established by the difference in the Romanian military empire at that time was allowed to take one of the top leaders of their families such as the female wife or sister, so to ensure his comfort during periods of absenteeism in the long wars. Pursuant to those rules, was escorted by some senior leaders of the medical brigade females from their families, such as St. Rijula, the sister of St. Felix, martyrs and Chwea city of Zurich to the present day, St. Verena, whose name means Coptic Pharaonic origin, "the fruit of the city," any good fruit, etc. .. .

Commander of the Emperor Maximian, emperor of the western half of the sprawling empire Romanian (285-305), a partner of Emperor Diocletian (284-305), ruler of the eastern division medical battalions distributed throughout the male line of defense efficiently and shown on the map.

The band members refused resolutely boycotted the offerings to the gods of pagan Rome and in accordance with the rites in force at the time, which enraged the emperor Maximian, who believed that rebellion and disobedience,

Commanded the torture of members of the band and the execution of the band and the execution of one tenth of her children until they submitted to his orders and make offerings to the pagan gods. Unlike expected, not bent this horrible torture any of the sons of the band's firm adherence to religion and faith deep. He also stressed the conductor Maurice also signs of obedience and loyalty to the emperor shall not be inconsistent with their religion and their Christian faith.
About the adherence to the band members the teachings of their religion and their rejection of the repeated performance of the rites of idolatry, is the emperor Maximian repeated torture and the continued execution of one tenth the remaining two members of the band until Ihoodwa their attachment, but to no avail and soon swept through this tidal wave all the cities and camps, which was inhabited by al-medical room even cited the band as a whole. I would like to mention here, for example: the city of Aga and sleep Romanian (AGAUNUM) which later became and still even today bears the name of the conductor Maurice San St.Maurice En Valais (JM province in southwestern Switzerland), the Romanian city of Salodorom SALODURUM (Solothurn current SOLOTHORN northwestern Switzerland), where cited 66 of the children of the band under the leadership of the two officers Saints Auwersos, Patron Saint of this province even today, and St. Victor (diameter) patron saint of the city of Geneva, which transferred his remains depending on the orders of Queen THEUESINDE, Queen Albourgond during the reign of King GODEGISEL (d. 501 ), the Romanian city of Icom TURICUM, Zurich Zürich current place of martyrdom of saints Felix and his sister and colleague Rijula Akciobirantios, intercede for the city to this day, and so in dozens of cities even Medinpbern and the city and the city of Cologne in western Germany Ackstantin, etc. ......... .....

Occurred during the torture sons band, many miracles hacks such as the resurrection of the martyrs of Zurich, Felix and Rijula and Akciobirantios after cutting their heads and march to the adjacent hill at an altitude of 26 meters (40 deer almost), all of whom are pregnant, his head on the palm of his hand and then kneel and pray in this place which was built upon values after the main church of the city of Zurich to honor them, a church that still does not return until the official church of the city today, it is noteworthy in this regard that this miracle are represented on the stamp parliament and government, city and province of Zurich since the dawn of history until now.
These miracles were a turning point in the history of worship in the Q around these areas in central Europe. Fry wonder that we find today the people of this band and martyrs among the best known saints of northern Italy, Switzerland and West Germany, and intercessors to dozens of cities in these areas, and the enjoyment of these martyrs evacuation with great reverence and honor throughout the ages until today. That the population of this country are still celebrating the anniversary of martyrdom in the holidays is dedicated to honoring these Alzkryatrp, such as the feast of St. Maurice on September 22 in the city that bears his name Governorate JM ST. MAURICE EN VALAIS (south-west of Switzerland), and the province of Inner Apencl Roden APPENZELL INNER RHODEN (eastern Switzerland) and accessible, and all, or Holiday of St. Verena on the beginning of September City Tsorsak ZURZACH Province Aargau ARGAU (northern Switzerland) and thus a lot ........ ... It is worth noting for example that the number of churches Mecca on behalf of St. Maurice in Germany may only church of 114 until today.

As the disease spread of Christianity and the death certificate of intense people of this glorious band of Egyptian Coptic, so due date sent and the revival of these close links in the biography of our time to those heroes. In August 1962 he met The late Bishop Samuel (Father McCurry Syriac at the time) a representative of the Protestant Church of Zurich in a conference held in Dublin, Ireland, reminding him that the Red Cross has carried to Switzerland by the sons of Egypt Theban band of martyrs. The Swiss delegate of the church immediately invited Father McCurry Syriac (The late Bishop Samuel) to Zurich to give a public lecture in this regard in the Church of WASSER KIRCHE, place the martyrdom of saints Felix and Rijula and Akciobirantios. Was this lecture bang great in the local newspapers and officials have the Government and the University of Zurich to honor visiting Galilee greatest honor, and the work of a full program of the visit, days are bright indeed to Egypt and the Egyptians is also worth noting that the day of the martyrdom of these saints Zurich is Sept. 11, the Holiday of the martyrs and the head of the Coptic year.

Phase I:

Assembly and organization of civil Fbl churches and priesthood of the 1962 - 1983 م

His Holiness The late Bishop Samuel, during this brief visit, commissioned by one of the church which was taught Department of Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Sciences Institute of the Federal Higher Zurich, The late Dr. Kamal Attia George († 1936 - 1992 AD), a professor of nature in the same Institute later, to compile the names and addresses children of our church sector, German, Switzerland, so you can organize the church pastoral services to them whenever given the opportunity to do so. A modest beginning with the fruits of a huge quality later, as a result of the dedicated and painstaking efforts that have characterized their lives, the life of St. The late Bishop Samuel and the late Dr. George Attia Kamal
Service began to organize a monthly meeting for Bible study, and the celebration of Holy Mass whenever the opportunity arose for the passage of Bishop Samuel Bhakepth small famous dating back to carry out China and the Holy Bible and the board, except that supplies for the celebration of Holy Mass.
About the increasing number of daughters and sons of the Church, and thus increasing the urgent need for more spiritual services, Dr Kamal used to use some of our fathers, priests in the neighboring countries to provide these services, such as The Late Fr Su Real Cross of Germany, and the announcement was Archbishop John of Austria.

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