
عرض المشاركات من فبراير, ٢٠١١

Copts gather in Tahrir to protest purported attack on monastery

Copts gather in Tahrir to protest purported attack on monastery        Around 2000 Copts gathered on Wednesday in Tahrir Square to protest reports that an Egyptian army unit had attacked the Monastery of Saint Pishoy in the Nitrian Desert earlier on Wednesday. Protesters said that a military unit using armored vehicles had demolished newly-built fences surrounding the old Coptic monastery. They claimed that the soldiers fired live bullets at monks. They added that two had been injured and transferred to the Anglo-American hospital in Cairo. Al-Masry Al-Youm failed to independently verify the reports about the injured monks. "The army told the monasteries to protect themselves, so the monks tried to build a fence after the release of prisoners from Wadi Natrun. Then the army starting attacking the monastery," said Yasser Farag, 37, a Coptic engineer who went to the monastery after the attack. The Supreme C

Egypt committee focuses on enabling fair vote

CAIRO (Reuters) - A committee revising Egypt's constitution after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak is focusing on changes needed to guarantee democratic elections in six months, leaving a complete revamp for later, a committee member said on Sunday. "A new constitution is a long-term goal. Let's first get the flaws out of the system to bring the process along. The say of the people is the most important factor in this process," lawyer Sobhi Saleh told Reuters in an interview. Saleh is the only member of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood on the 10-man committee given just 10 days by Egypt's new military rulers to propose amendments to the constitution. The army council that took power when Mubarak stepped down as president on Feb. 11 has suspended the existing constitution, which made it almost impossible for anyone outside Mubarak's party to challenge for the presidency. It formed the constitutional committee last Tuesday to draw

Egypt wants freeze of Mubarak's foreign assets

(AP)  CAIRO - Egypt's top prosecutor requested on Monday the freezing of the foreign assets of ousted president Hosni Mubarak and his family, announced state TV. Security officials said that the prosecutor general requested the Foreign Ministry to ask other nations to freeze any assets of Mubarak and his family abroad. The president's local assets were frozen soon after he stepped down, they added. The freeze applies to Mubarak, his wife, his two sons and two daughters-in-law, they say. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to talk to the press.

Egypt acquits two over 2010 shooting of Christians

Court confirms one death sentence, acquits two people * Egypt had more communal strife than usual in 2010 CAIRO, Feb 21 (Reuters) - An Egyptian court acquitted two men charged with murder and possessing weapons in the case of the killing of six Christians and a Muslim police officer in a shooting in January 2010, the state news agency reported. The emergency state security court also confirmed the death sentence on Mohamed Ahmed Hussein, 39, who was charged in January with the "premeditated murder" of the Christians and the police officer and with "intimidating citizens" in Nagaa Hamady in southern Egypt after mass on the eve of Coptic Christmas. Kurashi Abu Haggag and Hindawi Muhammed Sayyid, who were charged with aiding in the murder and with possession of weapons, were acquitted on Sunday, the state MENA news agency said. Christians make up about 10 percent of Egypt's 80 million people. Both Muslim and Christ

Egypt economy recovering, wants Europe debt relief

Industry says opening of banks boosted economy * IMF says recovery depends on tourism rebound By Tom Pfeiffer CAIRO, Feb 21 (Reuters) - Egypt would like European Union states to cancel its debts to them but has not made a formal request, the EU's local delegation said, as Egypt's economy showed signs of recovery from weeks of political turmoil. The government has slashed its growth forecast after 18 days of street protests across the country unseated President Hosni Mubarak, scaring off tourists, hitting inward investment and sparking a wave of strikes in banks, industry and government. The economy was worth an estimated $217 billion last year and it relies heavily on foreign investment, tourism and fees from the Suez Canal. A government statistics agency estimates the uprising cost the economy at least $1.7 billion. A spokeswoman for the European Union delegation in Cairo said European Union Ambassador Marco Franco met Finan

In Cairo, U.S. envoy calls for lifting emergency law

(Reuters) - A senior U.S. diplomat urged Egypt on Monday to build confidence in its transition to democracy by lifting the country's emergency law and releasing more detainees. U.S. Undersecretary of State William Burns said Egypt faced "a moment of extraordinary promise." "It's a moment when Egypt has just begun its story of transition to democracy," he said during a visit to Cairo. "Along the way, we will continue to encourage concrete steps to build confidence to sustain the momentum of the transition ... through careful preparations of the elections to the further release of detainees to the lifting of emergency law," he said.

Egypt's activists ask West to guarantee reform

CAIRO – Some of the young activists who launched the Egyptian uprising that toppled President Hosni Mubarak said Monday they are skeptical about the military's pledges to hand over power to a democratically elected government. Their concerns came as British Prime Minister David Cameron arrived in Cairo to meet with top Egyptian officials and "make sure this really is a genuine transition" to civilian rule. In a meeting with Western diplomats in Cairo, the activists appealed to the U.S. and Europe to change their policies toward governments in the Middle East . Many activists in the 18-days of mass protests that toppled Mubarak on Feb. 11 complain that Western governments have long supported dictators who back their interests at the expense of local democracy. "It is time that United States and Europe to revise and correct their policies in the region," said Bahey al-Din Hassan, director of the human rights institute that hosted the

UPDATE 5-Egypt asks for freeze on Mubarak assets

* Prosecutor asks for freeze on Mubarak assets * Cameron first foreign leader to visit Egypt * British premier did not speak with Brotherhood * Islamists most organised political grouping (Adds cabinet says reports of reshuffle premature) By Yasmine Saleh and Mohammed Abbas CAIRO, Feb 21 (Reuters) - Egypt's public prosecutor on Monday moved to freeze the foreign assets of Hosni Mubarak, the first sign that the deposed president would be held to account by the rulers to whom he handed power 10 days ago. The prosecutor said in a statement he had asked the Foreign Ministry to use diplomatic channels to request a freeze on foreign assets and accounts held by Mubarak, his wife Suzanne and his two sons, Gamal and Alaa, together with their wives. Media reports suggested the former president's wealth may total billions of dollars and some anti-Mubarak protesters accused him of squandering the wealth of the Arab world's most populous nation, but aides insist he has

Egypt must do more to show democratic future - Cameron

Egypt must do more to show democratic future - Cameron "I think they have to do more to show people that those people can have confidence that Egypt is going to have an open and democratic future," he told Sky News. "That will be good for people in Egypt but good for everyone in this region as well." Cameron earlier became the first foreign leader to visit post-Mubarak Egypt.

British Prime Minister Visits Cairo

British Prime Minister Visits Cairo At the same time as Mr. Cameron arrived in Egypt, the country’s top prosecutor on Monday took further steps towards freezing the foreign assets of Mr. Mubarak and his family, state television said. The assets are said to include a townhouse in a tony London neighborhood where the former president’s son, Gamal, lived in the early 1990s while working as a consultant for the Bank of America. The Swiss government last week froze tens of millions of dollars in an account belonging to the family or Mr. Mubarak’s top associates. On Monday, Egypt’s prosecutor general, Abdel Meguid Mahmoud, said he would request that the Foreign Ministry ask other governments to do the same. The A.P., citing unnamed security officials, said that Mr. Mubarak’s local assets had been frozen as soon as his government fell.

Google renforcer la sécurité dans les services

Google renforcer la sécurité dans les services Au mois de septembre nous rapportions que Google avait déployé une nouvelle mesure visant à sécuriser davantage les comptes Google Apps. En plus du mot de passe traditionnel, l’administrateur avait ainsi la possibilité de demander une seconde vérification se traduisant pas l’envoi d’un code unique par SMS. Alors que cette semaine s’est tenue la « journée pour un Internet plus sûr », la firme de Mountain View annonce via son blog la disponibilité de cette fonctionnalité pour l’ensemble des comptes Gmail. Nishit Shah, responsable des solutions de sécurité, précise qu’une fois l’option activée, «  un assistant vous aidera à la configuration, avec notamment la possibilité de spécifier un téléphone de secours et de créer des codes de sauvegarde dans le cas où vous n’auriez pas accès à votre

Nokia se rallye à Microsoft dans les smartphones

Nokia se rallye à Microsoft dans les smartphones Le PDG de Nokia, Stephen Elop, avait préparé les esprits à un électrochoc. Il n’a pas menti. Vendredi matin, le numéro un mondial du mobile a annoncé une série de mesures drastiques pour retrouver de son éclat. La plus marquante vient d’un «large partenariat stratégique» avec Microsoft dans les smartphones. Selon les termes de l’accord, le système «Windows phone» de Microsoft devient la principale plateforme de Nokia dans les smartphones. Partenaire privilégié, le groupe finlandais apportera des innovations supplémentaires au système de Microsoft, par exemple dans la photographie et sera associé au développement. Dans les services, il fournira son service Nokia Maps aux outils de cartographie de Microsoft, tandis que ce dernier implantera son moteur de recherche Bing et sa plateforme publicitaire adCenter dans les «Nokia Windows Phones». Symbian et MeeGo balayés Avec ce partenariat, Nokia balaie ses deux systèm
Accord entre Nokia et Microsoft paria par les investisseurs Nokia a multiplié les annonces vendredi à l’occasion de sa réunion stratégique de Londres, mais l’accueil qui lui est réservé par les investisseurs est franchement glacial. Conformément à ce que prévoyaient certains professionnels, le fabricant de téléphones mobiles a annoncé qu’il avait décidé d’axer sa stratégie dans les smartphones autour de Windows Phone, le système d’exploitation pour portables de Microsoft. En toute fin de matinée, l’action Nokia décrochait de 10% à 7,3 euros. Selon les termes du partenariat signé avec Microsoft, il est également prévu que Bing, le moteur de recherche du géant américain, vienne équiper les produits et services du groupe finlandais. Nokia reconnaît que la signature de l’accord avec Microsoft va transformer ses exercices 2011 et 2012 en années de ‘transition’, essentiellement consacrées aux investissements. L’équipementier assure cependant qu’à plus long terme,

Nokia s’allie à Microsoft et se concentrera sur Windows Phone

Nokia s’allie à Microsoft et se concentrera sur Windows Phone Nokia, numéro un mondial du téléphone mobile, concentrera désormais ses efforts sur le marché des terminaux intelligents, ou smartphones, autour de Windows Phone, le système d’exploitation développé par Microsoft, dans le cadre d’un partenariat sans précédent conclu entre les deux sociétés. Nokia de son côté participera aux évolutions futures de Windows Phone, et contribuera à démocratiser le dernier système d’exploitation mobile de Microsoft, notamment sur les marchés où ce dernier est aujourd’hui absent. Le Finlandais place également dans la balance ses capacités en matière de cartographie, avec Nokia Maps et les cartes Navteq, qui deviendront une composante essentielle des services Microsoft. L’OVI Store, le kiosque de téléchargement de contenus et d’applications de Nokia, devrait également être rapproché du Windows Marketplace. «  Nous construisons une route pour aller de l’avant, une route m

Officiellement :Nokia soutient Windows Phone 7

Officiellement :Nokia soutient Windows Phone 7 Finalement Nokia a annoncé son support de Windows Phone 7 , dans un communiqué de presse de Microsoft et Nokia ils sont annoncé que Nokia va soutenir le système de windows phone 7 dans sa nouvelle stratégie pour un retour fort vers le marché de téléphones .Nokia a également annoncé qu’elle va supporté le moteur de recherche Bing  et qu’elle va fusionné les cartes de OVI avec le moteur de recherche Bing, et finalement le contenu de la boutique des applications va être compatible et intégrer avec la boutique d’pplication de Microsoft .

Labs PCi: Affiche 3 vidéos sur 3 écrans avec la technologie Flash 10,2

Labs PCi: Affiche 3 vidéos sur 3 écrans avec la technologie Flash 10,2 Parmi les nouveautés de Flash 10.2, comme Vincent l’avait évoqué, on trouve une fonctionnalité que certains attendent depuis un moment : le support de plusieurs écrans. La version finale étant disponible, nous avons décidé de voir si cela était bel et bien fonctionnel. En effet, jusqu’à maintenant lorsque l’on regardait une vidéo Flash en plein écran, dès que le focus de la souris se retrouvait sur une autre fenêtre que celle du navigateur, le plug-in d’Adobe forçait le retour au mode fenêtré. Un problème pour ceux qui travaillent sur deux ou trois écrans, voire plus. Mais avec Flash 10.2, promis, ce comportement fait partie du passé. Nous avons donc utilisé notre machine à base de H67, de Core i5 2300 et de Radeon HD 6850 accompagnée de trois écrans, que nous avions d’ores et déjà évoqués dans un précédent PCi Labs. Nous avons ensuite vérifié que Chrome avait bien mis à jour notre versi

Twitter: Le prix de vente de 10 milliards de dollars et le conflit sur l’achat par Google et Facebook

Twitter: Le prix de vente de 10 milliards de dollars et le conflit sur l’achat par Google et Facebook twitter-logo C’est peut-être la prochaine très grosse acquisition du Net : Twitter, actuellement valorisée à hauteur de3,7 milliards de dollars, attire les convoitises. Et les deux sociétés Web du moment, à savoir Google et Facebook, seraient prêtes à mettre sur la table entre 8 et 10 milliards de dollars révèle aujourd’hui The Wall Street Journal, qui précise que d’autres sociétés sont aussi intéressées par Twitter. De quoi faire tourner bien des têtes, pour un site qui n’a généré que 45 millions de dollars de chiffre d’affaires en 2010… D’un côté, Twitter attire déjà des millions de visiteurs quotidiennement et est utilisé par de nombreux professionnels, valorisant plus encore le site de microblogage. Qui plus est, tout porte à croire que Twitter rapportera plusieurs centaines de millions de dollars d’ici quelques années. De l’autre

Facebook a publié service « Bons Plans » en France

Facebook a publié service « Bons Plans » en France Facebook ouvrait en septembre dernier son service « Lieux » en France . Pour rappel, ce service accessible sur mobile permet de géolocaliser l’utilisateur connecté, et d’ouvrir la possibilité au mobinaute d’indiquer son emplacement actuel à ses amis. Il est alors possible de savoir si un ami se trouve à proximité de soi. Damien Vincent, directeur commercial de Facebook (Facebook est un site Web de networking (réseau social) destiné au départ à rassembler les lycéens et les étudiants (puis les jeunes employés et les militaires, une fois les diplômes acquis), en priorité dans les pays anglophones. En décembre 2005, il rassemblait le plus grand nombre…) France, vient d’annoncer avoir franchi la barre des 20 millions d’abonnés actifs en France (comprenez par abonné actif un membre qui a, dans les 30 derniers jours (Le jour ou la journée est l’intervalle qui sépare le lever du coucher du Soleil ; c’est la périod

Accord entre Nokia et Microsoft paria par les investisseurs

Accord entre Nokia et Microsoft paria par les investisseurs Nokia a multiplié les annonces vendredi à l’occasion de sa réunion stratégique de Londres, mais l’accueil qui lui est réservé par les investisseurs est franchement glacial. Conformément à ce que prévoyaient certains professionnels, le fabricant de téléphones mobiles a annoncé qu’il avait décidé d’axer sa stratégie dans les smartphones autour de Windows Phone, le système d’exploitation pour portables de Microsoft. En toute fin de matinée, l’action Nokia décrochait de 10% à 7,3 euros. Selon les termes du partenariat signé avec Microsoft, il est également prévu que Bing, le moteur de recherche du géant américain, vienne équiper les produits et services du groupe finlandais. Nokia reconnaît que la signature de l’accord avec Microsoft va transformer ses exercices 2011 et 2012 en années de ‘transition’, essentiellement consacrées aux investissements. L’équipementier assure cependant qu’à plus long ter

Egypt protests: Many at Cairo 'day of departure' rally

The tens of thousands of protesters attending the "day of departure" rally in Tahrir Square waved flags and chanted "Leave! Leave! Leave!" Soldiers have been guarding the area to limit disruption by Mubarak supporters. Mr Mubarak has said he is "fed up" with being in power, but that he is does not want to resign as it will cause chaos. Meanwhile, speaking in Washington, US President Barack Obama called for an "orderly transition that begins right now" in Egypt. Mr Obama said the "entire world is watching" and urged Mr Mubarak to "make the right decision". 'Chaos' Mr Mubarak told ABC News on Thursday that the banned Islamist opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, would fill a power vacuum left by his absence. He also denied that his administration was behind the violence of recent days, and that his son Gamal intended to run for president. <div class="warning

Egypt opposition says govt meeting inconclusive

Egypt opposition says govt meeting inconclusive Government says agreed road map for talks; youth activists want Mubarak out now Published Sunday, February 06, 2011 From right, Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman, Hossam Badrawy, secretary general of the ruling National Democratic Party, El-Sayed el-Badawi, leader of the Wafd opposition party, Naguib Sawiris, member of the wise men committee, and Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim brotherhood's spokesperson, are seen during their meeting in Cairo, Egypt. Egypt's largest opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, said it would begin talks Sunday with the government to try to end the country's political crisis but made clear it would insist on the immediate ouster of longtime authoritarian President Hosni Mubarak. (AP) Egyptian opposition groups said on Sunday a meeting with Vice President Omar Suleiman was positive but had done nothing specific

Mubarak family fortune could reach $70bn, say experts

Mubarak family fortune could reach $70bn, say experts Gamal and Hosni Mubarak are reported to have built up huge fortunes, including properties in London. Photograph: Cris Bouroncle/AFP/Getty Images President Hosni Mubarak 's family fortune could be as much as $70bn (£43.5bn) according to analysis by Middle East experts, with much of his wealth in British and Swiss banks or tied up in real estate in London, New York, Los Angeles and along expensive tracts of the Red Sea coast. After 30 years as president and many more as a senior military official, Mubarak has had access to investment deals that have generated hundreds of millions of pounds in profits. Most of those gains have been taken offshore and deposited in secret bank accounts or invested in upmarket homes and hotels. According to a report last year in the Arabic newspaper Al Khabar, Mubarak has properties in Manhattan and exclusive Beverly Hills addresses on Rodeo Drive. His sons, Gam

Hosni Mubarak Exclusive abc


Semblance of ordinary life resumes in Egypt (Feature)

Cairo - Daily life seemed to be resuming to its ordinary patterns in Cairo on Sunday - after nearly two weeks of unprecedented civil unrest, as the spotlight turned to behind-the-scenes political developments as much as the camp of protestors on Tahrir Square. The city's infamous traffic returned to its normal hectic pace and congestion, even if the flow had changed direction due to military blockades. Streets were filled with people both shopping and commuting to work, as ministries called their employees back to their offices and more shops and businesses were open - albeit often for reduced hours because of the military curfew which remains in place. 'It's nice to be going to back to work. I haven't really left my house once since the demonstrations started and I miss my life,' Dalia Fahim, a lawyer, said. More employees flocked back to the state television and radio broadcaster building. Only essential staff had been allowed in

Egypt Banks Reopen for Several Hours, Stock Market Stays Shut

Egypt Banks Reopen for Several Hours, Stock Market Stays Shut Hundreds of Egyptians queued outside banks VOA News  February 06, 2011 The Egyptian government has tried to restor

Newsflash very out Wael Ghoneim tomorrow at 4, a marketing manager for Google Middle Middle P

Newsflash very out Wael Ghoneim tomorrow at 4 , a marketing manager for Google Middle Middle   Permission from Naguib Sawiris and the Vice- President , Omar Suleiman,  

You have two accounts, one at Twitter and one at Facebook and don't know where to focus?

      You have two accounts, one at Twitter and one at Facebook and don't know where to focus? I already know, I chose Twitter, and these are my reasons: 1. A new way : Twitter is a new way to express yourself, it is revolutionary. 2. Newer: a point that is related to the previous one, Twitter is launched in 2006 and Facebook in 2004 so Twitter is newer and new websites and applications attract more. 3. Time: following Twitter needs LESS time then Facebook and we are in time where every minute is important. It is difficult (possible but difficult for those who has no much time) to follow the two accounts and follow the comments etc.., on Both. You have to make a choice: TIME  ISSUE and so.... choose Twitter. 4. Health: for Facebook you need a lot of search, search for good applications, accept invitations form here and there, add-ons for your page, programs, adding photos, video's, websites you like,... A LOT OF THINGS

Year in Review: Tech mergers and acquisitions in 2009

  Year in Review: Tech mergers and acquisitions in 2009  , The past year may have seen plenty of markets fall into a recession but regardless of tough times on the books, some companies have had their cheque books out ready to grab an opportunity. We take a look at the biggest business dealings of the past year. Oracle looks to the Sun At the very beginning of the year we knew Sun Microsystems was going to be taken over. The question that lingered on for some months however was who by? We were all pretty convinced that IBM was the only contender at the start of the year as talks between the companies grew speculation. Yet they all seemed to fall apart in March and when Larry Ellison's database company Oracle entered the affray, Sun accepted its bid of $7.4 billion in April. Work towards the acquisition began and it was all smiles for the two companies but fears began to grow in the industry about what would happen to Sun's hardware and whether it would

12 websites shaped the decade

12  websites shaped the decade 1. Napster 2. BitTorrent   3. Facebook or maybe Myspace 4. AJAX 5. Blogger or maybe Wordpress 6. Twitter 7. Flickr 8. Wikipedia 9. PayPal   10. YouTube 11. Spotify 12. Google and all its services More...   We at Cashflowec.com add also: Digg.com, eBay, Amazon, Skype and maybe Craigslist

Mobile Phones in Mobile World Congress 2010

Mobile World Congress 2010 is finished. Mobile platforms dominated the news last week; So  its time for us too to say some words about the new phones that were introduced at the congress. There were different devices. The major presence was devices with ANDROID operating system, the mobile operating system of Google. We can also add that the main signal from Barcelona was that smart phones become available for almost everyone. There was a lot of choices between operating systems, screens, camera's, connecting possibilities... Now it's difficult to write about all of them and all the specifications, so we thought to summarize what each producer introduced at MWC2010, the most important devices at least.

Apple choses supplier of tablet displays

cashflowec  -  Syria CNET, Apple's long-rumored tablet may be nearing reality, as new reports of 10-inch display orders came to light on Monday. The newest Apple tablet information comes from DigiTimes, a site well-known for reporting on Apple rumors. Citing sources from Apple's component suppliers, DigiTimes says that Innolux, a subsidiary of Foxconn, will be the initial supplier of the glass panels to be used in the tablet. While DigiTimes has a hit or miss record on reporting rumors, it says that Foxconn will manufacture the tablet. That makes perfect sense, since it is the same company that makes many of Apple's products, including the iPod and iPhone. One interesting piece of information in the report is that Apple delayed the launch of the tablet because it was concerned about the strength of the glass. DigiTimes says that another Foxconn subsidiary, G-Tech Optoelectronics, will provide a process to strengthen the glass, allowing production to mov

How Twitter improves your cashflow

"Cashflow is the lifehood of the companies" "Without cashflow a company can't grow, can't generate profits and can't be solvency" "Cashflow is more important then revenues" "82% of the businesses fail, fail because of cashflow, they run out of money. 70% of them were profitable". Cashflow has always been sensitive for the companies and businesses are always looking for ways to have as much positive cashflow as possible. Social websites can also help the companies in generating more cashflow. And "MAYBE" the companies are already using them without releasing that they are indeed generating more cashflow. We choose Twitter from the social websites, as it is the most growing social media on the web. How does Twitter help your company generating more cashflow?

Nokia admits that the N97 sucked

    So the Nokia N97 was a bit of a disaster. Normally, companies pretend that all of their products are great, even when they aren't. But one Nokia VP is willing to admit that the N97 was a steamer. Nokia's VP of Markets Anssi Vanjoki recently said in an interview that the N97 was a "tremendous disappointment in terms of the experience quality for the consumers and something [they] did not anticipate." How refreshingly candid! Of course, he's using such candidness as an excuse to claim that they've learned their lesson and are working to make the N97 a real contender via firmware updates. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it might be a little late for firmware to save the N97, but if Nokia really is learning from its mistakes, bring on the next gen devices. If Microsoft can retool its mobile division after the abortion that was WinMo 6.5, there's no reason Nokia can't do the same.