Lakah, the Egyptian government demanded the immediate release of all detainees in the events of urban unconditionally

  Lakah, the Egyptian government demanded the immediate release of all detainees in the events of urban unconditionally

. Lakah: what happened in Giza affect the unity of the whole of Egypt.
Mr. Badawi: Do you have the National Party to announce the cause and one for non-inclusion of the common law places of worship which promised 5 years ago?
Taher Abou Zeid: Do not change without a vote

 Student Lakah - Wafd Party candidate by the Department of Shubra and marginalized, the Egyptian government to immediately release all detainees in the events of urban unconditionally, he said, adding that what happened in the urban out of our national unity, and a student of the Egyptian masses - Christians and Muslims - to restore calm to Giza because What is happening with prejudice the unit the whole of Egypt, demanding that the people of Giza to preserve national unity, and reminding people of Shubra war of 1973 and cited by the 753 martyr Muslim and Christian people of Shubra came home with their lives, stressing that he would be the first to defend the national unity under the dome of the parliament, to put an end to the farces that occur - as he put it on, hoping to build a new and powerful Shubra and dear and able to overcome injustice, disease and corruption
  He lakh during the conference campaign rally held by the street, Mohamed Farid Shubra, Friday evening, and the presence of approximately 5 thousand people Shubra, national unity, the Holy of Holies in Egypt directed a message to Israel that affect the national unity we will cut off his hand, he said, adding that he came to Shubra symbol of national unity to give love to all the poor and the orphan and the widow  

  For his part, said Dr. El-Sayed Badawi - Wafd Party leader, that "the delegation was not a stranger or a visitor to the people of Shubra, but we promise you we offer our hands to the neighborhood of Shubra, founded by Mohammed Ali Pasha"

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