
عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, ٢٠١٠

Le collagène

Le collagène Le collagène est un constituant essentiel de tissu conjonctif, il entre dans la composition de tous les tissus dentaires sauf l’email, et il joue un rôle important dans le développement, la structure et la physiologie de la dent et de ses tissus de soutien. Tissu conjonctif   est divisé en : tissu conjonctif mou : pulpe , dèsmodente, chorion gingival. Tissu conjonctif minéralisé :   dentine, cément, os alvéolaire. 2- Définition : – le collagène est une glycoprotéine dont l’unité structurale est le trop collagène Trop collagène = monomère du collagène fibreux insoluble. De longueur : 2800 – 3000 A°. De Poids moléculaire : 300,000. Sa largeur est de 14 A°. 3– Composition : Collagène : constitué d’un assemblage de tropocollagène. Trop collagène : contient : 3 chaînes : chaque chaine α de pm : 96000 et comporte 1000 A.A et un résidu glycine tous les 3 résidus. - Les 3 chaînes α sont assemblées en une hélice dont le pas est a droite. - Les AA : 2/3 : glycine

L’attache épithéliale

L’attache épithéliale L’appareil d’attache dentaire est composé de l’épithélium jonctionnel ( attache épithéliale) qui relie la gencive à la dent, et de l’attache conjonctive, constituée de fibres gingivo dentaires et desmodontales, représente un ensemble dont l’unité biologique et fonctionnel n’apparaît pas évidente. La destruction de l’attache survient au cours des parodontites. Elle peut se reconstituer partiellement, donc se réparer ou totalement se régénérer, si l’ensemble des facteurs locaux le permet. La réparation peut survenir au cours des phases de repos des parodontites ou succéder à une intervention thérapeutique médicale ou chirurgicale, alors que la régénération est toujours la suite d’une chirurgie. 2-Rappel sur: l’épithélium parodontal Il est constitue d’un épithélium oral gingival : qui est kératinisé, c’est un épithélium pavimenteux, stratifié, il constitue les surfaces vestibulaires et linguales ou palatines de la gencive, et il se prolonge par un ép


PATHOLOGIES PARODONTALES DE L’ENFANT L’intérêt de la connaissance spécifique du parodonte de l’enfant n’a été mis en évidence que récemment et l’on sait que bien des lésions parodontales de l’adulte ont débuté dans l’enfance.     II CARACTERISTIQUE ANATOMO-HISTOLOGIQUE DU PARODONTE DE L’ENFANT Le parodonte de l’enfant est une structure fonctionnelle en constant remaniement du fait de la croissance des maxillaires et de l’évolution des dents.   II.A. LA GENCIVE La gencive est mince, souple, apparaît d’un rouge plus soutenue qu’une gencive adulte, cela s’explique par la faible épaisseur de l’épithélium et par une vascularisation importante.   II.B. LE DESMODONTE Le desmodonte est plus large, plus vascularisé que celui de l’adulte, sa largeur diminue avec l’âge.   II.C. LE CEMENT Le cément des dents temporaires est de faible épaisseur, celui des dents permanentes est d’une épaisseur moyenne, mais se succède au cour

Cicatrisation parodontale

Cicatrisation parodontale Les différentes thérapeutiques parodontales chirurgicales ou non, permettent d’assurer la réparation des lésions parodontales. Ces thérapeutiques se proposent d’assurer le réattachement des tissus mous à la surface radiculaire et/ou de combler le déficit osseux. Ces traitements sont associés à des principes biologiques différents reposant sur l’étude de la cicatrisation. La réparation parodontale est une cicatrisation qui ne restitue pas le système d’attache perdu.   II Rappels de quelques définitions II.A. La réattache Correspond à la réunion du tissu conjonctif à la surface radiculaire, qui peut survenir après une incision chirurgicale ou blessure (il s’agit d’un nouveau ligament parodontal inséré dans un néo-cément)   II.B. La nouvelle attache La nouvelle attache est définie comme étant la jonction du tissu conjonctif à une surface radiculaire exposée en raison de l’évolution du process

Interrelations orthodontie-parodontie

Interrelations orthodontie-parodontie Dans les interrelations orthodontie-parodontie deux faits sont importants:  • d’une part, les dépôts bactériens qui représentent le principal facteur déclenchant de la maladie parodontale, et les malpositions dentaires qui favorisent l’apparition de troubles fonctionnels. • d’autre part, la maladie parodontale peut provoquer des déplacements dentaires pouvant engendrer des malpositions et des malocclusions.   II EFFETS DES FORCES ORTHODONTIQUES La mise en action d’un ancrage orthodontique provoque, au niveau des tissus parodontaux des remaniements qui permettent et suivent le déplacement dentaire tout en créant une situation à risque pour ces mêmes tissus, en fonction de leur typologie, de l’existence d’une prédisposition et/ou de la présence de facteurs étiologiques, essentiellement bactériens, impliqués dans les parodontolyses.   II.A. SUR UN PARODONTE SAIN La réponse parodontale aux

Decline in European stock trading

Decline in European stock trading European stock markets ended their dealings on Monday, the decline of key indicators of the mass, and the index of the European Euro Stoxx 50 by 35.43 points, to close trading at 2826.51 points, down by 1.24%.

Analysts have expressed fears of rising oil prices

Analysts have expressed fears of rising oil prices Some analysts fear that rising oil prices to the level of $ 92 in global markets, the highest since the month may push the inflation rate in prices to increase in the end, to the detriment of global economic growth, at the time made no mention of the Ministers of Petroleum Exporting Countries "OPEC" to the existence of any plans to increase production

6 traditional drugs for the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver

  6 traditional drugs for the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver Reach the liver Diseases Research Institute of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, traditional city (Shanghai) China's new and successful method for the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver, refutes the theories of Western medicine that has long emphasized that the cirrhosis of the liver disease which is resistant to treatment with drugs.

The emergence of a new type of influenza in Europe

  The emergence of a new type of influenza in Europe Confirms Dr. Mustafa Orhan, Director of the Regional Centre for avian influenza of the World Health Organization, there are two types of influenza, one a and one b and within the genre a We have two types, one h1n1 and strain second h3n2, and the other b has been in the past period, the swine flu epidemic, then turned to the seasonal This means that the individuals of all classes have access to vaccine, from the flu even avoid degradation, and must ensure that the vaccine is written on it in 2010-2011 and those most affected by influenza children, the elderly and people with sensitive al-Sadr, and errors, which is located by many for children before the age of (18 years) on aspirin anti-flu.

What causes the delay pregnancy ?

What causes the delay pregnancy ?   He said. Hossam Zaki, a consultant treating delayed childbearing, that Egyptian society had belief a misconception that "six" is always the reason for the late pregnancy, but that those beliefs proved Ktooha in modern medicine, where being a man of many environmental factors that affect fertility without realizing it. The Zaki, during an episode yesterday of the program "90 Minutes" that the causes of delayed pregnancy in women due either to problems with ovulation, or blockage of the fallopian tube or Bagging the ovary because of the high proportion of the hormone insulin, when the men, it may be the age of the man or the exposure to several environmental factors affect fertility, Kaltard of pesticides and fertilizers, air fresheners, smoking, noting that "the machine reached the cashier" in the supermarkets also affect male fertility because it contains estrogen ratios focused. He advised Zaki men ea

What complications of drugs "cortisone" on the face?

What complications of drugs "cortisone" on the face? Posted Munira Abdul Rauf says, was the age (44 years), and suffer from disease, rheumatoid arthritis four years ago, and the doctor has prescribed me some medication, including steroids, have been explained to me the doctor, the drug may cause an increase in facial hair, Is it will continue to appear excess hair in my face all my life? وهل هناك حل؟ Is there a solution?   The answer to this question, Dr. Ola Mohamed Raafat, a consultant dermatologist and member of the Syndicate of Plastic Surgeons French, saying, you are given treatment of cortisone and its derivatives for inflammatory conditions different to reduce the severity of the infection disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, although it is causing this medicine increase in facial hair, as one of the side effects, This occurs with long-term use, these treatments may cause an increase in facial hair with a potency in the property distribution. Sa

And 38 dead by an outbreak of yellow fever in Uganda

  And 38 dead by an outbreak of yellow fever in Uganda The Ministry of Health of Uganda today, "Sunday," the death of 38 people as a result of infection of yellow fever rampant in 9 areas north of the country.

Killing 6 in U.S. missile strike west Pakistan

  Killing 6 in U.S. missile strike west Pakistan Local security officials announced that a U.S. missile strike from an unmanned drone killed six insurgents and destroying their vehicle Monday in the tribal region in northwestern Pakistan.

Ban Ki-moon expressed "indignation" of violence in Nigeria

Ban Ki-moon expressed "indignation" of violence in Nigeria The Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon expressed "outrage" on Sunday from acts of violence that took place in Nigeria that killed 39 people since Friday.

Lee Myung-bak: We are not afraid of war with North Korea

Lee Myung-bak: We are not afraid of war with North Korea South Korean President Lee Myung-bak on Monday, said South Korea should not be afraid of war with North Korea despite the fact that his government is keen on maintaining peace on the peninsula.

The fall of 2000 a tree in Moscow because of bad weather

  The fall of 2000 a tree in Moscow because of bad weather . A source in the municipality of Moscow, said that more than 2000 tree fell and damaged during the weekend in the Russian capital.

Israeli children 5 years of sexually harassing Bteflat in kindergarten

  Israeli children 5 years of sexually harassing Bteflat in kindergarten . Newspaper, Yediot Aharonot, Israel on the issue of sexual harassment is unique, which revealed that children in the age of five sexually harassed Bteflat in kindergarten.

Wikileaks: United States of America wants to control "Abu Dahdah" after his release in 2013

  Wikileaks: United States of America wants to control "Abu Dahdah" after his release in 2013 Spanish newspaper El Pais, for a new document from the documents, Wikileaks, she pointed out that the United States of America is willing to subject the life of leader involved in al Qaeda, "Imad Eddin Barakat" alias "Abu Dahdah" under surveillance

Wikileaks: Syria is behind the attack on the Scandinavian embassies on the issue of cartoons of the Prophet

  Wikileaks: Syria is behind the attack on the Scandinavian embassies on the issue of cartoons of the Prophet The memorandum of the U.S. diplomatic published Wikileaks site and reported the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten that Syria has facilitated the attacks on Scandinavian embassies in Damascus during the violent demonstrations held in protest against the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in early 2006

Organization: the killing of at least 105 journalists in 2010

  Organization: the killing of at least 105 journalists in 2010 Killed at least 105 journalists in the exercise of their work in 33 countries during 2010, a minimum number of the proceeds of 2009 according to statistics published here Monday the "Press Ampelim Kambany" non-governmental organizations based in Geneva.

The construction of 100 mosques in Spain at the hands of jihadi trends

  The construction of 100 mosques in Spain at the hands of jihadi trends Spain witnessed in 2010 several jihadi trends adopted by Al Qaeda to spread radical Islam in the country, and reveal the newspaper ABC Spanish for a list of these terrorist movements, and led by "Salafist movement," which reached the number of meetings in 2010, only 10 meetings.

The release of nine French demonstrators in favor of the Palestinians, Israel

  The release of nine French demonstrators in favor of the Palestinians, Israel Released nine militants French pro-Palestinian were arrested Sunday during a demonstration at the control center near Jerusalem, as announced Monday Mahamithm Israel. And said attorney Leah Tsemel: "released activists nine without being ordered to be expelled but the requirement not to participate in further demonstrations."

Medvedev signed an agreement with France for the transfer of weapons to Afghanistan through Russia

  Medvedev signed an agreement with France for the transfer of weapons to Afghanistan through Russia Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, an intergovernmental agreement had been signed with France to Paris, allows the transfer of military equipment and military personnel from Afghanistan through Russian territory, to become law

And Chaeliks: British Prime Minister described the Muslim madmen

  And Chaeliks: British Prime Minister described the Muslim madmen A new surprise revealed by the documents the location and Chaeliks the owner Julian Osanj, as revealed documents telegrams British American exchanged between the British Prime Minister David Cameron, the U.S. special envoy for Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke, the description of Cameron in one Muslim madmen, and that during the month of April 2009.

The death of 8 people in a wave of cold during the Holiday Birth Poland

  The death of 8 people in a wave of cold during the Holiday Birth Poland Polish police announced on Monday that the low temperatures led to the deaths of eight people during the Gala Christmas in Poland, bringing the death toll in this country to 127 during the months of November and December.

250 thousand policemen believe in New Year celebrations in Russia

  250 thousand policemen believe in New Year celebrations in Russia . First Deputy Interior Minister Mikhail Sodojulsky today, that more than 250 thousand policemen and about 8 thousand military forces of the Interior will believe in the New Year celebrations all over Russia

The resignation of the Government of Belarus after the presidential election

  The resignation of the Government of Belarus after the presidential election Belarusian government submitted its resignation after it was re-elected Alexander Lukashenko as president.

Pope addresses a lunch date with 250 people from the poorest of the poor

  Pope addresses a lunch date with 250 people from the poorest of the poor   Vatican: Pope also touched on Bandkitus Sixteenth Sunday lunch date with about 250 of the poorest of the poor sponsored by the Foundation of Mother Teresa on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of "Kadispfiqra," as the Vatican announced. And said in a statement that the pope said after a lunch that "love is the force that change the world. He praised the pains Teresa and her life "modest and far from the spotlight." Sat at the table of Pope 15 people come from Haiti, India, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Gabon and China. The Assembly called for "Brothers of Charity" founded by Mother Teresa in Calcutta (1910-1997) 250 people

Ban Ki-moon condemned the violence between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria

  Ban Ki-moon condemned the violence between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria Condemned Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, attacks that occurred on the eve of the celebration of Christmas (Christmas) against the Christian communities in central Nigeria, where African Union declared that it left 38 dead. It was the bombing of several bombs in and around the city of Jos, as tens of raiders attacked Church in the town of Maiduguri, located area has seen an outbreak of violence several times between Muslims and Christians. A spokesman for the United Nations, on Sunday, that "the Secretary-General infected panic, because of the violence that has killed many innocent people in the states of Plateau

Sawiris enter the thorny areas between Muslims and Copts

  «Sawiris» enter the thorny areas between Muslims and Copts! Several years ago I decided to be one of the owners of cars for the first time in my life, and because what my money was barely enough to buy a used car, it has resorted to a wholesale this product in our village, it is with his peers a mixture of people with minds blank who did not succeed in any profession, But they found it in the circulation of the old car, and got behind them large profits without the slightest effort or stress of the mind, and is located under the hands must be «upright it» taking advantage of the inexperience of some of the people like me Bvinyat cars, Vipheonha the top of many of the real ones after that divides you «the right of divorce three

Claims introduced «my aunt Safiya and the Monastery» in the first anniversary of the events of Nag Hammadi

Claims introduced «my aunt Safiya and the Monastery» in the first anniversary of the events of Nag Hammadi   Lawyers, Muslims and Copts in the city of Nag Hammadi in Qena, filed an application to Major General Magdy Ayoub, Governor of Qena, and the artist Riad El Kholy, President of the House Technical Theatre, for the approval of a play «my aunt Safiya and the Monastery» in the Nag Hammadi on the first anniversary of the events of sectarian strife in the county. . Friend Hammami, the lawyer stressed that the great Bahaa Taher (my aunt Safiya and the Monastery) is a painting in a sincere love of home and call for tolerance and goodness and love, and said: «So we proceed with requests to re-display them in more than one province».

Mufid Shehab: "National" coordinate with the church on the Law of the role of worship common

  Mufid Shehab: "National" coordinate with the church on the Law of the role of worship common   Said Dr. Mufid Shehab Assistant Secretary-General for Parliamentary Affairs National Party, the party was coordinated now with the church his proposals on the form of a law the role of worship common to organize and facilitate the building of churches, pointing out that the party examined through an internal committee to several proposals to facilitate the building of churches. He explained, "Shihab" during the press conference held today on the sidelines of the seventh annual conference of the National Party, it is not modified in the coming period of the electoral system, a system the individual, because the Egyptian people tend to choose candidates according to personality, not ideology, which was confirmed

Program from the heart of Egypt .. 26/12/2010 .. Fiki: Double the provisions of the incident "Koshah" led to the increase in incidents of sedition

      Program from the heart of Egypt .. 26/12/2010 ..   Fiki: Double the provisions of the incident "Koshah" led to the increase in incidents of sedition .. The Fiki that sectarian strife is the fundamental issue that must be the focus of all Egyptians, as it is a weakness only to construct national unity in Egypt, pointing out that the weakness of the provisions of the incident Koshah that led to the increase in incidents of sedition. He Fiki that through the conduct of some communications discovered that the appointment of Gamal Asaad in the People's Assembly was not to harass Pope Shenouda said, adding that he met the Pope and listened to him, transfer and point of view to each of the Safwat al-Sharif, Ambassador Suleiman Awwad, President of the Republic to meet with the president, who has already been later. " And safe movement of students Fiki

Editor and fined 60 thousand journalists charged with insulting the St Cyril

  Editor and fined 60 thousand journalists charged with insulting the St Cyril   Court ruled Dokki today, Monday, headed by Justice Ahmed Obaid, were each fined Yasser Ahmed Tuhami, editor of international news, and editors Gazette two Ashraf Sayed Mohammed and Mahmoud Sayed Ibrahim, 60 thousand pounds each, after being accused of libel and St Cyril, Bishop of Nag Hammadi . The case goes back to last February when the newspaper published a news press release on the international investigation after the incident of Saint Cyril of Nag Hammadi, and Cyril was considered that the contents of the ill of him, and he settled a lawsuit against the editor and journalists who published investigative journalist.

Pope Shenouda travels America Jan. 10 and canceled a visit Ethiopia

  Pope Shenouda travels America Jan. 10 and canceled a visit Ethiopia Preparing Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Macarios, to travel on Jan. 10 next to the United States on a trip pastoral therapeutic, is expected to last 14 days, as confirmed by a source ecclesio the beginning, he said, adding that it is possible to be presented or delay the Promised Day or two days for travel, according to the dates of the Pope, noting that Pope Shenouda usual every year to travel to America after the feast of the Epiphany, pointing out that the deadline for travel has not been set yet. The source explained that the Pope was associated with a visit to the State of Ethiopia for a mass feast of the Epiphany Majid

Archaeologists explain the reasons for the effects of Christianity are not subject to theft ..

  Archaeologists explain the reasons for the effects of Christianity are not subject to theft ..     Strange paradox confirms it is always the facts of robberies effects of repeated, the direction of the attention of thieves and vandals who play on Egypt to Islamic monuments and Pharaonic Donna effects Coptic Christianity. After it turned Palace traveler check the den of drug abuse and alcohol abuse, and a garbage dump and a hotbed of animals stray and dead, and the theft of For "the mother of Prince Mohamed Ali" from Ramses Square in Cairo, came into the disappearance platform "Ghanibay spears" of the Mosque of Sultan Hassan, and the Registrar archaeological number 136, to confirm this view of the hidden.

End the feud revenge city of Kom Ombo in the family of Christian and Muslim

  End the feud revenge city of Kom Ombo in the family of Christian and Muslim Able today natural leaders, popular and security to stop the bloodshed in the city of Kom Ombo, and end the feud revenge due to five years ago between my family (called Abadir) and (Tiger). Ceremony was attended by magistrates of Mohamed Mustafa, secretary general of the governorate of Aswan, and Major General Ahmed Guest Deputy Director of Security and a group of grass-roots leadership, executive, and Muslim clerics and Christian and about 3 thousand people. He called Muhammad Mustafa citizens to bridge the hot blood and an end to such disputes hindering stability, security and peace and not to resort to violence and to uphold the principles of tolerance

The death of 8 people in a wave of cold during the Holiday Birth Poland

  The death of 8 people in a wave of cold during the Holiday Birth Poland Polish police announced on Monday that the low temperatures led to the deaths of eight people during the Gala Christmas in Poland, bringing the death toll in this country to 127 during the months of November and December.

CNN: Pope regrets the pain Christians

  CNN: Pope regrets the pain Christians   In his speech on the occasion of the celebration of the "Holiday" Birth, the Pope, Benedict XVI expressed his sorrow for "aches" Christians in the Middle East, especially in Iraq, also called for international solidarity to promote peace efforts in all parts of the world.

Injuring 100 people in the gala celebrations, Argentina Birth 2011

  Injuring 100 people in the gala celebrations, Argentina Birth Medical sources in Argentina that around 100 people have been injured because of fireworks used by citizens to celebrate Christmas in the country this year.

An earthquake measuring 6.4 Richter scale hits southeastern Iran

  An earthquake measuring 6.4 Richter scale hits southeastern Iran An earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale jolted the territory of "Sistan - Baluchistan" south-east Iran, but there were no reports of damage or casualties due to earthquake.

Turkey is preparing to deploy special forces on the borders of Iraq to confront Kurdish rebels

  Turkey is preparing to deploy special forces on the borders of Iraq to confront Kurdish rebels Turkish well-informed sources revealed today, Sunday, to intensify the preparations made by the government in coordination with the army to deploy special forces to a professional on the border with Iraq, to curb the infiltration of the separatist PKK in northern Iraq and put an end to the organization's activity.

Mossad make a formal apology to the United Kingdom for the assassination of hoarse

  Mossad make a formal apology to the United Kingdom for the assassination of hoarse ا Daily Telegraph newspaper reported that the new head of the Mossad planned to apologize to the United Kingdom for the use of Israel's intelligence service of forged British passports in the assassination of Hamas leader Mahmoud al in Dubai earlier this year

Fears of "swine flu" in Britain

Fears of "swine flu" in Britain According to newspaper "Telegraph" Britain today that fears of the spread of infection Bfayyos "H-1 to 1" strain of swine flu grow significantly this year; after a big warning British doctors in a letter sent to medical institutions that half of the critical cases among the wounded were of people are healthy good before the injury.

Israeli campaign against FC Barcelona to put an Islamic slogan on his clothes

Israeli campaign against FC Barcelona to put an Islamic slogan on his clothes Launched the Israeli media and a sharp stinging attack against the club, "Barcelona," the Spanish because of his support from the national institution.

Escalating controversy over the dismissal of Ahmadinejad to Foreign Minister

Escalating controversy over the dismissal of Ahmadinejad to Foreign Minister Escalated the controversy between the leaders and politicians in Iran, following the dismissal of Iranian President Ahmadinejad to Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki Monday, at a time in which he described Mottaki resolution Ahmadinejad for his dismissal "Palmein and contrary to the teachings of Islam and the violation of diplomatic norms," said today, Mojtaba Samareh Hashemi, a top aide to Ahmadinejad , Mottaki said that he was aware before traveling to Senegal last news of the dismissal, which it denies strongly Mottaki.

Obama is the US-Turkish relations "were not the most important day than they are"

Obama is the US-Turkish relations "were not the most important day than they are" Considered President Barack Obama that the relations between the United States and Turkey "were not the most important day than they are today," to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

UNICEF gives U.S. and Iranian Photography Awards for 2010

UNICEF gives U.S. and Iranian Photography Awards for 2010 Select Fund United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF UNICEF Photographer Majid Saeedi, Iran for the second prize in 2010 for the collection of photographs of a child's life for the Afghan refugees.

Deputy Prime Minister congratulates the Spanish soldiers in Afghanistan festivals of Christmas

Deputy Prime Minister congratulates the Spanish soldiers in Afghanistan festivals of Christmas According to newspaper ABC that the Vice President of the Spanish government, "Perez Rubalcaba Alvedredo" visited unique to Afghanistan to congratulate the Spanish soldiers, Christmas, carrying with him a message of love and encouragement from King Juan Carlos and Prime Minister, "Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero."